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About iamcal.com [ on iamcal.com ]

About iamcal.com

iamcal.com has been online for 24 years, 284 days, 1 hour, 34 minutes and 29 seconds - crumbs!

iamcal.com is primarily cal henderson's personal site, containing his linklog/weblog which he's been posting to regularly since June 2000:

Blog/Linklog Posts

It also hosts a discussion forum where anyone can signup and post. The topic is roughly "whatever". That's been going for a while too:

Forum Topics & Replies

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I become a member?

To become a member at iamcal.com, you just have to fill in the form here. It's free, and will make people like you more.

How can I put my photo on my profile page?

Ha! At the moment you can't, because the site is being rebuilt and doesn't have this feature yet.

Jesse? Apathy? What's with your dumb poll options?

Both "Jesse" and "Apathy" are required poll options. There's a little more explanation here.

Y can't eye join ur chat!!!???

This is a privately owned site - we are not subject to any rules other than those we set for ourselves, or that Cal (the owner) asks the community to abide by. We can therefore choose who we accept. So anyone who types like that can fuck off :)

Who's in charge?
