8th June, 10:20 am Jun 8th

Hurrah, it's the end of the day. With the end of the day comes the log entry. I'm still pretty impressed with the stapler today, but not enough to repost the picture.

In the world of the web it's been a fairly slow day. Last night I was introduced to the beakbeat era website (purveyeurs of fine music). I very much recommend buying their album, Ultra-Obscence, because it's just fantastic. You'll probably find it on amazon.

Fun of the day came from reading the landover baptist website, a not-so-serious religous-satire web site, which cleverly points out the ridiculousness of modern extremist religions. But who am I to judge.

I stumbled over netbaby world today. It's got that really neat k10k button feel. I started my own team, but I have utterly no idea why. If someone could please explain to me what it's all about, i'd really appriciate it: cal@iamcal.com.

Lastly comes refract-red. I still can't make my mind up as to whether it's any good, or just a plain wanabe-guru type arty site.

In terms of this site, you can now comment on my ramblings and a disscussion board may appear in the not-so-distant future. I'll also be beefing up the index with futher toys and annoyances. But hey, all will be revealed soon enough.

This was posted on Thursday 8th June, 2000 at 10:20 am Pacific.

Read more posts from June 2000.


This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.

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