Posts from January 2010

30th January, 1:29 pm

i have 5 invites for city of eternals. if you like that sort of thing

29th January, 1:22 pm

where we remain is a really wonderful little flash game that makes me want to start making little games. who's with me? [via joshua]

27th January, 4:12 pm

the technical details behind mega shark, finally explained. i love the internet

26th January, 6:12 pm

this visual automation language looks pretty cool, but the video narration is awful. so slow. i get the concept already - demo it faster!

26th January, 2:56 pm

i want to be the first google result for a single character [via asc]

26th January, 11:53 am

yes, i want a puffin

26th January, 11:53 am

if a music video has ever been about my life, this is it. err, maybe

25th January, 4:17 pm

damn, this is sold out. sucks to be me. love the e-t forms

25th January, 2:26 pm

this is probably funnier if you're from east anglia (as i am), but it's still utter genius [via tom]

24th January, 1:00 am

a sculpture that repeatedly auctions itself on ebay. if you win, you own it until it decides to move on again. lovely

22nd January, 4:56 pm

okcupid has some really good statistics posts [via rsquared]

22nd January, 11:13 am

ok, ribbon hero is dumb, but awesome. however, the thing it has most taught me about the ribbon is that feature placement is essentially random and the best way to get anything done is to hunt through each tab slowly until you find what you need. and it'll probably have a dumb name.

21st January, 8:37 pm

macho taildrop looks awesome. can't wait

21st January, 6:50 pm

a handy guide to starting your own cult

21st January, 4:01 pm

this lost recap is super useful. not long left now! [via cb]

20th January, 10:07 pm

coder girl is my new favorite song

20th January, 10:00 pm

if you ignore the random 6 seconds of crap at the beginning, i love this video. <3 beyonce & justin

19th January, 11:52 pm

you're acting like a human. a white human<a/>. alp still going strong

19th January, 11:51 pm

a nice relaxing dish full of sonic

19th January, 11:43 pm

first person tetris is awesome. until you throw up. and then it's still awesome

7th January, 11:24 am

oooh, good's best infographics of 2009

4th January, 11:38 pm

oh yes, i have found me some new wallpaper


This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.

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