Posts tagged visualization

More Underground Maps

Andrew Godwin has just released an excellent mapping project, visualizing a few London Underground stations, complete with public corridors, escalators, spiral staircases and platforms. The maps are 3D models, which you can pan and zoom inside the browser. Digging into the source is also worth a look, since it uses some nice canvas and three.js guts.

Poking around his other work, the Twin Tubes map is also worth a look - the underground network with each individual track visualized.

29th March, 4:14 pm

the process behind stamen's beautiful watercolor map tiles

15th September, 3:46 pm

cube looks like a nice little system for graphing. reinventing a fun wheel

24th July, 3:55 pm

lovely npr infographic of the nasa space shuttles

22nd March, 8:40 pm

chartwell is fucking awesome. using ligatures for SCIENCE

3rd January, 11:35 pm

very awesome visualization of movie revenues week by week over 2010

30th November, 2:44 pm

yup, the universe it pretty big. and the planck length is pretty small

22nd November, 4:13 pm

an excellent visualization interface for samples used in the new girltalk album

26th April, 9:37 am

canvasmol visualizes molecules using canvas. the future is sexy. and rotating in 3d

19th February, 12:49 pm

wow, flyfire is amazing, i see many small robots in our future

7th January, 11:24 am

oooh, good's best infographics of 2009

3rd December, 1:02 pm

this interactive neighborhood map of nyc is very very well done

23rd November, 7:48 pm

some excellent data visualization on the afgan war

12th November, 10:14 am

wow, this analysis of choose your own adventure books is really really excellent. genius

29th October, 3:57 pm

this cell sizing demo is very nicely put together. i'd like a version that goes up to galaxies and down to atomic nuclei

14th October, 12:57 pm

this visualization of relative costs is quite wonderful

13th October, 9:23 pm

i've linked it before, but daytum is pretty awesome

31st August, 11:22 pm

the folks at youcity are basically insane geniuses. with a focus on the insane part

2nd July, 10:51 am

this infographic-style resume is wonderful. hire this human

2nd July, 10:16 am

this nyc subway ridership map is very very nice. great presentation

4th May, 2:47 pm

S&W's horizonless maps of new york are lovely

11th April, 8:37 am

while the last line sounds anti-css (sort of?), it turns out pie charts suck

2nd March, 4:00 pm

detecting the click track through science. nice

15th December, 9:38 am

my song colors are a bit busted. wonder if there's an XSS bug if you listen to certain music...

10th November, 10:29 am

these election map visualizations are very nicely done. do you think the color-by-population was done by hand or with some fancy software?

11th September, 8:43 am

this coffee tasting flavor wheel is a really beautiful visualization

8th September, 5:00 pm

this is my favorite new flickr page. lots of gems in there

8th September, 4:55 pm

skyrails sure looks pretty, but does it actually help with visualization? i'd love some good examples of where it adds value

6th September, 3:12 pm

i was told about this a while ago but only just found it - an awesome infographic showing the samples used in a single track from the latest girl talk album

6th September, 12:48 pm

over-enthusiastic anatomy diagrams are freaky. nice

4th September, 12:39 am

this diagram comparing giant planes makes me inexplicably happy.

31st August, 6:37 pm

a useful flow chart for reference. thanks mr hammond

30th June, 5:30 pm

mr carden pointed me to word tree for creating interesting visualizations. still not quite what i'm looking for here

29th March, 2:17 pm

the simply hired job graphs are pretty awesome

25th February, 1:11 pm

beautiful visualization of box-office revenues over time. in the style of those wave graphs from a while ago [via hammond]

11th September, 8:31 am

last graph is inspired by lee byron's lovely wavegraph

11th September, 8:24 am

last graph makes some really beautiful graphs

31st July, 2:45 pm

beautiful cupcake flavor availability visualiztion [via asc]

11th April, 7:12 pm

i thought i'd linked to cabspotting a while ago - maybe not.

12th March, 6:09 pm

stamen's backchannel visualization is beautiful. reminiscent of my irc log cloud perl software which i appear to have lost.

14th November, 9:25 pm

omg. this is the best map visualization of public transport in the us i've ever seen. beautiful. via the cameron factor

19th August, 8:31 pm

aaron found this [lovely piece of visualisation]( - "33,000 words, grouped by meaning. Each word is given the average color of web images found when searching for that term."


This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.

I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.

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