paint your city, make travel more fun. nice idea
paint your city, make travel more fun. nice idea
exploding whale! [via failblog]
this economist article has a nice graphic showing the alignment of the uk and us political parties. amusing how far apart they are on some issue (such as religion). [via hamster]
homemade bacon vodka? sounds interesting. maybe murphy has made some [via nik]
the plot of starwars, as explained by a 3 year old. makes it seem way more interesting
the simply hired job graphs are pretty awesome
the seo markup rap might just be the best thing i've seen this week [via crowley]
based on the amazon review, this seems like an essential book [via aaron]
the world's cutest kitten? hmm, maybe
sweded tron is the best movie evar. nice
bookmarking for later use - an ajax loading graphic wizard (i can never find this when i need it)
oooh, some love footage, via wafer. looks purty
this is too fucking creepy [via casey]
crazyblinddate looks interesting, but how are okcupid making money from it? [via the wag]
omg omg omg. kings of power 4 billion %. watch it all the way through. see?
office snap shots has cataloged photos of the offices of various tech companies. nice
fancy modular homes, along the lines of those micro homes from a couple of years ago, only way more swanky
has anyone seen expelled? i mean, besides richard
maps based storytelling is very awesome [via pep]
belt fed nerf guns. in want it so hard
prototype looks sooo beautiful [via wafer]
julia allison's lip dub from sxsw is cute. but it's got nothing on the amanda masterpiece. [via the wag]
i love the internets. via, of course, the iamcal forum
some time ago jeffrey friedl posted a detailed history of the 'now you have two problems' quote. and jwz himself commented with extra info
i want one of these. no, wait. i want an army of these. the performance on ice (about halfway through) is awesome.
airfoil is awesome - play system audio over air tunes (when listening to pownce tunes, for instance). thanks mattb
some steampunk lego, via myles. very nice
maybe i should just rename this blog iambacon. some maple-bacon lollies. i've ordered mine [via fraser]
must. stop. linking. to. lolcats. argh
this would look great in my apartment. via chandler
reading cheezeburger again. bah, do not want! too good!
cheezeburger has the best job ad ever. i kinda wish i was a .NET developer now
this gamasutra article on 3d graphics in excel is an awesome read. for the impatient, check out the videos on pages 3 and 4
i don't read bash nearly as much as i used to, but it still contains gems
i have a total love-on for 13 & god at the moment. german electronica ftw
i heart dns wildcards as a feature
myles has found some pretty serious burgers. looks soo good. might have to make some
the awesome stuff always happens when i'm out of town
cutest photo evar. too lo-res to fit into a presentation though :'(
anyone out there look like link? kinda creepy
multiclutch for macbook airs seems quite fun. i'll be getting used to the simple gestures first i think [thanks bogan]
there will be milkshakes. oh yes
microsoft to not be jerks by default. that's pretty awesome news
jeez richard, learn 2 google. how to print stuff to stdout in c#
nice detail on this steampunk keyboard and monitor combo. [via wafer?]
gah! stupid hammond. i think the timeloop theory might just be viable.
love looks really interesting. anyone know when it'll be out? beautiful artwork
bacon cups? i think i might replace all of my dishes with bacon. but not fill them with salad. what a waste [via chandler]
dockdrop looks kinda cool. anyone using it?
haxed is a pretty awesome flash game. nice soundtrack
buuf deuce is an awesome set of icons for osx
seems like maybe i never linked to the buglabs stuff? silly me
best review ever: "[cal] is a unicorn of technical knowledge". lots of fowa miami stuff in there
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
aws books cheese code covid emoji fonts food games halflife havana ibm lego maps minecraft music php programming reading slack technology tube via-matts wiring
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