looks like google auth is coming real soon
looks like google auth is coming real soon
build your own version of the prisoner/portmerion with lego
the songbird source is now available - should make creating xulrunner apps much easier.
"Try to move the camera after u focus" - excellent [via kellan]
the beeb describes kottke as being "peppered with annoying links". nice
putty is lacking tabs, but wintabber looks promising.
mozilla are talking about some nice changes coming up in JavaScript 1.7 (starting with the next beta of ff2)
awesome! via aaron
maybe we should port flickr to emoticon
i remembered this little meal recently: 23 plates of pure joy
this tube map grid morph is pretty cool - now just need to tween to between that and the geo map for some nice dataporn. my zone one efforts are here (ff 1.5 only)
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
aws books cheese code covid emoji fonts food games halflife havana ibm lego maps minecraft music php programming reading slack technology tube via-matts wiring
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