the folks at youcity are basically insane geniuses. with a focus on the insane part
the folks at youcity are basically insane geniuses. with a focus on the insane part
not a great presenter, but wireless electricity is awesome
tennis for two is a computer game. from 1958
21 lovely typefaces that are free (but shouldn't be)
the new wow non-combat-pet isn't completely non-combat
i kind of hope that the phone with built-in lighter is real
in b flat is pretty awesome (if your browser can handle it)
the cpan testers matrix is a really good tool (especially for a cpan tool) - an at-a-glance report of how well your various modules are testing (and motivating me to fix the failing ones)
wonderful granta article about pipe smoking. not sure where i found that
a mathematical model for zombie outbreaks. the key to survival is a fast response
the humans are doomed. we should just give up now
beautiful cellphone concept for displaying weather. lovely
oauth-proxy is a neat solution to the trickery involved with debugging oauth apis
i've only just heard about avatar - looks pretty
cataclysm has just been announced. looks hot. the new map expands on a lot of the existing content, filling in the gaps (the gaps themselves are pretty interesting too)
currently listening to Die Alone by Ingrid Michaelson - whimsical, as amy might say
fatal farm does some really nice work
the best thing about dive in html5 is how great it looks in FF 3.5. and probably other browsers
alive in joberg was the pre-cursor to the wonderful district 9. watch the former online and then rush to the cinema to see the latter. apart from the cat food bit. that was just gross
this is a little bit bizarre/awesome. watch from the start to around 1:01
i really want to get certified
re-reading hob last night (in a beautiful hand made book version) - the parody article on transhumanism is great
warbot is only 9 strips long, but it's sad and wonderful
the wikipedia/imdb effect is real science, bitches. (see? not my fault!)
everybody should vote for myles' panel
i'm a sucker for awesome visualizations
the future is a mere 498 years away. i can't wait
twitter ranks in last place on the communications medium intimacy chart
some of the 23 badly placed web ads are a little lame, but there are some gems in there
this kid has a whole channel of lip dubs recorded in the nyc apple store. he's great
this wine & fruit crate flooring is quite wonderful. splintery?
hitler is pretty angry about the friendfeed acquisition
these LED stair rails are great, but the designer's site is a flash monstrosity that wont let me view his portfolio. why do people think that's clever?
sloane peterson is so choice
it looks like a pretty tasty burger
this sounds pretty cool. and not just because i'm a little bit in love with tilda swinton. well, maybe mostly
these smart car body kits are too awesome for words. apart from the word awesome
after effects can be a little unstable
i'd like one of these [warning: contains annoying sound]
got old hard drives lying around that you can't get data off? this looks pretty useful
i need to see this movie so hard
wenda and branston are my heroes
god i hate XSLT. is there honestly no way to say 'include this external HTML fragment at this point'? makes inserting a header into your document annoyingly difficult. but i persisted. probably quicker to hack mod_dav_svn than to mess around with SVNIndexXSLT. the part where you can't server sub locations from outside DAV also sucks.
flickr for busy people is a wonderful little app. great work aaron
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
aws books cheese code covid emoji fonts food games halflife havana ibm lego maps minecraft music php programming reading slack technology tube via-matts wiring
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