How to build a working combination safe in LEGO - a clever and tiny mechanism
How to build a working combination safe in LEGO - a clever and tiny mechanism
Dec 26th: i think i was reading about SSX Tricky (2001) when I came across Snow, which is in an open beta right now
Dec 26th: at some point i'm going to upgrade my BBQ thermometer from my 2 channel one to this 4 channel beast [via myles]
Dec 26th: i should probably try Return of the Obra Dinn, given how many people are recommending it this week
Dec 26th: are pop lyrics getting more repetetive uses LZ compression to find out for sure - 2014 was the 'worst' year on record
Dec 26th: it's the end of the year, so it's time for ... cleaning up some browser tabs!
the haunted island game looks pretty much tailor made for me
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
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