Posts from January 2001

30th January, 5:17 am

Cold curry for lunch. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm :)

29th January, 9:46 am

Spare changeNoooooooooooooo! [via gilest]

Personally i can't stand mobile phones. With this in mind, i'm not entirly sure the world is ready for disposable cell phones.

Giles has £45 in change. That's nothing. My collection has now exceeded £60.

Rebecca came back from uni for the weekend, which was nice. She managed to get round to checking her email, but still hasn't updated her site. She's gone back to Preston now, so i wont see her for at least another week :(

I went to the cinema last night with Warren, to watch &quot

26th January, 5:46 am

In what has to be the greatest revenge ever, etoy are now sueing etoys over copyright infringement. This has made my day. [via tom]

26th January, 2:59 am

The corridoor outside our office (the one between us and the shop that sell sugary things) smells really bad. I don't know what it smells of, but it's vile.

Anyway, visit postit-plane and make your own post-it note aeroplane.

25th January, 1:47 am

My latest project: The answer for bored office workers everywhere.

22nd January, 12:32 pm

ha ha ha ha ha

Thanks to Elliot for brightening my day.

22nd January, 9:33 am

My birthday cakeQuote of the week: If at first you don't succeed, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it.

There is someone in the world (worringly, perhaps, in the same country as me) who scans biscuits for his web site. Inspired? Yes. Scary? Definately.

I am missing Rebecca alot this week. She's up at uni in Preston and isn't back until next weekend. It isn't long i guess, but with christmas just gone it's odd for her not to be around. I know how Peter feels.

Wetness!Our office leaked. I came in saturday morning to find a pool of water directly under the main web server. Luckily it's suspended on the server rack so didn't get wet. The only electical thing we keep on the floor down there is the router power supply unit (If that goes, the network is crippled). Fun fun fun. Another 2 feet to the right and it would have killed three web servers and the main RAID tower. Thank god for small wonders.

To add to the depression of Rebecca being away, Katie Deakin (see previous) has dropped out of university. This is a big shame. I met Katie on the open day a couple of years ago and we've been going to the same classes for a year and a half. I'm going to miss her a lot and university will certainly be a different place without her. Phil, Wayne and I shall have to endevour to talk to Kirsty more, since she'll be on her own now. These are sad times.

On a good news theme, the unfortunate tale has been updated. Go read. Then write.

Linkage: Go and read loobylu. Beautiful illustrations.

21st January, 9:56 am

It's national hugging day

18th January, 7:48 am

Today is a bad day. Got in to work an hour and a half early to fix a script before a client came in for a morning meeting. Salvation can only be found through bejeweled.

17th January, 2:00 am

It's my birthday

Just in case you forgot.

15th January, 10:50 am

With one day to go, it's not too late to send me a card.

Fact of the day: Cal has over £50 in 5,10 and 20 pence pieces on his desk. He doesn't know what to do with them.

14th January, 10:25 am

Spot the project managerThe best food in the world is haagen dazs cookie dough chip ice cream. No arguments - this cannot be beaten.

Episode 8 of pixelflo is now out - i urge you to check out web trumps. Massive thanks to the people who gave us more publicity than we deserve: zeldman, three oh, holodeck and kiiroi. You guys rock.

For more blog related card games, check out this blog deck for Dvorak. Don't know what that is? Read here.

The unfortunate tale has been updated. Check it out and see if you can write the next installment.

If you're wondering what the above image is, then you're not alone. 5e project manager Janice was wearing all biege (a la PC), so we had a quick game of "spot the project manager".

Update on Settlers 4. I want this game.

Finally, after being provoked on the UK bloggers mailing list, if created myself as a StorTrooper. Meg then made me dance.

4th January, 10:01 am

I know i haven't posted for a while, but it's been christmas, new year and i've been i'll (Thanks for all the kind words by the way).

A new episode of pixelflo is almost ready, Terrania version 3 is in the works and one:37 is opening soon (sound familiar?).

So while i'm busy not finishing anything, head on over to glish where eric talks about dhtml.

2nd January, 10:34 am

I have flu. I cough like a girl. Happy New Year.


This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.

I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.

» About Cal


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