the macpaint and quickdraw source is available on the computer history museum site
the macpaint and quickdraw source is available on the computer history museum site
can't download any purchases in itunes on a mac that's been migrated to? then this is what you want to know - the bit about deleting 'SC Info'. fuuuuuu
i need to get me a juice pack for my iphone. extended battery life and much harder to break than the ones that extend downwards (oops)
the new ipod shuffle looks pretty cool - tinyer than ever and now with playlists. the voiceover stuff is barely better than text-to-speech 10 years ago though. i wonder if itunes on your mac generates the speech files, or if the ipod has the software to do it at runtime?
tron versus unprotected memory. kinda awesome
i'm trying out busymac to sync my google calendar to ical so that it gets into mobileme and hence onto my iphone. first few steps seem to have worked - now have to wait for mobileme to sync to the phone to see if it all works. that would be nice [update: it works! at least from gcal to iphone]
did i ever link to the macbook air / girl talk mashup ad? no? well, i should have
airfoil is awesome - play system audio over air tunes (when listening to pownce tunes, for instance). thanks mattb
multiclutch for macbook airs seems quite fun. i'll be getting used to the simple gestures first i think [thanks bogan]
the steve sleeve looks like a nice alternative to the air mail (though neither are shipping yet)
got an apple tv? then visual hub is what you want for converting torrented programmes. fast and simple
i want an airmail case. oh, and a mac book air :)
the macbook air is making other laptops feel bad
the apple iphone design guidelines contain a bunch of useful sizing and color info
a nice visual evolution of apple products [via bogan]
presentation zen's piece about the cingular ceo at macworld is worth reading [via pb]
this apple technote contains a bunch of interesting information about the threading models used by OSX
there's a new baby in the house
this guy has written some really nice looking osx software [via messina]
doom on an ipod. doom on an ipod. doom. on. an. ipod. don't you see? [via matts]
saft looks like a nice set of safari extensions. why hadn't i seen that before?
i've said it before, but osx has too many keyboard shortcuts
get ahead of the curve with the 200gb ipod nano mod. thanks to matts
salty points out a good apple history articles site.
the nano appears to be more or less indestructible. thanks aaorn
although lacking the macintosh history, braeburn does have some other interesting historical pieces and seems to be being actively updated. definately an interesting one to watch.
this birth of the lisa article makes for very interesting reading. a similar 'birth of the macintosh' would be nice
ars technica took apart one of the new mighty mice and had a poke around. interesting stuff. mine's in the mail somewhere.
new toys :)
aaron points out pspware - looks like it might be time to dust off the old ibook.
aaron noticed than OS 10.4 seems to have tagging built into the filesystem - well, name/value pairs anyway. interesting.
proof, if any were needed, that osx is only for geniuses: the [in]complete guide to osx shortcut keys [via coates]
aaron points out syncOurTunes - an itunes plugin (win & mac) which syncs your music library between two machines. excellent, but it wouldn't start on windows - some german error message about demo versions.
...but not as informative as these two guides to taking apart ipod shuffles. to replace batteries, amongst other things. sooo tiny.
apple's batteries page is pretty informative.
an art deco dock for the ipod shuffle. kinda awesome.
ourtunes is excellent - it allows you to easily browse and download itunes tracks on your local network. works on windows too.
tog really hates the osx dock, and with good reason.
webb's post about the accelerometer in the new powerbook is great. i so need one of these.
shuffleart, via the coatesweb, looks pretty fun. shuffles are still on 2 week order from the local apple store.
robprice found this excellent story on boingboing - jailed for using lynx. onw if only they'd start jailing MacIE users.
it was really only a question of time before someone tried it - ipod shuffles in a raid configuration
i'm not sure quite how awesome the iDog is, but it seems pretty awesome. i mean, come on - it can dance.
e pointed me at ipod vs cassette. good stuff. i still love my mini though :)
saft seems like a cool safari extension. via torrez
apparently it's old news, but apple has a nice faq entitled "How to pick up and carry your iMac G5"
paparazzi is a nice logical extension of hammond's webkit2png (which i could never get working). i should really get it together and try some cocoa objective-c apps.
mac's auto-eject is great, unless you're in space.
via b4ta, a nice anti-mac video. reminds for of the mjd perl newbie video.
the people's hero of translucent plastic and irritating error noises has cancer. well, that sucks.
jjg talks about the apple store experience and six steps to a better retail environment.
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