pixel is my favourite geek girl: "my husb is watching the bgp announcements". peer1's POPs have stopped announcing their networks via BGP and have dropped off the internet. which sucks for our sites hosted at peer1. oops
pixel is my favourite geek girl: "my husb is watching the bgp announcements". peer1's POPs have stopped announcing their networks via BGP and have dropped off the internet. which sucks for our sites hosted at peer1. oops
leas noticed that quentin tarantino appears to have a blog.
bookmarked because i've found this useful a number of times: an article about styling hr elements.
talk around the office is the jp from fr*endster wants to come work for us. that would be pretty cool.
this rendition of the london motorways is the style of the tube-map is lovely. i'd like to see the two overlayed to get a sense of scale.
papernapkin is genius. automatic online rejection. i hope i wont need to use their services.
and talking of weblog software - wordpress is shit. i entered two patches into their tracker 4 days ago, and not a single developer has seen them. and this is supposedly during their push to get v1.3 out. a sorry state of affairs.
spoke to anil about the mt installer today. looks like there's a good chance we'll be able to roll it into v3.2. that would be nice.
samurai champloo episode 12 felt like it was an ending - it wrapped up the story so far, was vague about what was coming next and had different credits. but ep13 raws and on mirkx. i really hope it doesn't end too soon.
playboy run a cpan mirror. bizarre
my cousin is moving from the sticks to london with his gf/fiance? harriet and is keeping a mini blog of it.
jeff has a sheriff pony tattoo. that's just too cool.
best bugtracker case ever? "Case 840: I love you so much. Opened by Stewart 8/21/2004 10:50 PM. You're SOOOOOO cute!!!"
unamerican still rocks. i need some of those stickers for the office.
this rather snazzy color wheel stole my colorblind data values and tried to hide it. when i would have happily supplied them anyway. idiots.
bookmarking because i keep losing it: the 2003 revision to the metaweblogapi spec.
skypeout looks very cool. i shall give it a try when novus get round to setting up my building.
natural docs looks really good - like javadoc but much richer and more forgiving. also makes for very readable unprocessed docs. nice.
xpad 1.1 is now out. the site is a beautiful osx-style work. the software itself is beautifully simple. lovely.
because i don't think e's seen it yet - the ten foot biromash is an amazing piece of work.
a nice video on channel9 about the microsoft interview process in which they suggest not creating your cv in word. nice.
jolly jack (creator of shithouse) has posted some good animations on b3ta over the years.
steve fink is documenting his quest to write a regexp compiler in parrot. the three days logged so far make for interesting reading.
best spam subject line ever? "MY AUNTY IS SO HORNY". i suspect so
getting an $800 phone bill sucks. when it's for a single month. fucking rogers
joel spolsky has a new book out. oooh
was reminded of channel9 again today. looks like pep designed it, but full of geniuses. from microsoft. no, seriously.
osx desktopers take note: xpad 1.0.1 is slated for release this week.
audio scrobbler is getting swamped again. i wonder if any of our scaling experience for flickr would be of any use to the development team.
on everything2 - the united states should go to war with everybody. excellent reasoning.
there's a discussion happening on p61 at the moment about multimethod dispatch on return continuations. this sounds like pretty crazy at first, with fungeoid implications, but could lead to some very nice debugging hook oppertunities.
a nice collection of efficiency quotes. two of those adorn the walls in the office.
i've implemented an installer for mt at the request of anil and might get some tech toy in return. but the question is, what do i want that i don't already have? hmm
seen the table tennis done with blackout costumes? this advert uses the same technique very well. linkage via lea.
blogger broke their v2 api today, which we've been using for flickr posting (since v1 doesn't support titles and their atom api is still sketchy). we've alerted the team and hopefully they'll get it fixed today.
oooh - ev1 are offering unmetered servers for $199 a month. might be time for an upgrade
the "travelling in the uk" faq is a good source of general information. e might want to have a read of it ;)
"it was like being in a candle store without a pipe bomb". maddox didn't like i, robot.
what. the. fuck. i did a "pear upgrade-all" and it first failed because of dependencies. fair enough - stupid that it didn;t automatically install the dependency, but forgivable. but then once finished, pear was broken because it used php 4.2.0 only features. how fucking stupid is that? the people in charge or pear are braindead idiots.
the ship looks like an interesting an original half-life mod
bookmarked for later - the rex parser with a javascript version of the regexp.
bash of the day: damnit. i just stood on a 512meg dimm. anyone wanna buy a pair of half length dimms? 256meg each
bah. netwindows is having to change it's name after a serious c&d from redmond. always squashing the little guy. perhaps not a wise choice of naming to start with.
A couple of new articles by me:
[Searching with PHP and MySQL](http://iamcal.com/publish/articles/php/search/) [Search term highlighting](http://iamcal.com/publish/articles/php/highlighting/)
i bought a new toothbrush today. i went to london drugs to get bodywash, deodorant and razor blades and they had a brush like my current one (though a different color - green with white aspecting). i'm totally in love with the design of my current one, you see, and didn;t want to replacxe it. so i'm all happy. but what's with canada and not having any aerosol deodorants?
an interesting article on anime and fansubbing.
six apart is now taking signups for MT 3.1 beta testing. might be interesting. might not.
a photo of the friendster storage setup. san? silly people.
bookmarked for later - itunes sdks for osx and windows
i usually hate this sort of crap, but my love of japanese characters means i'm quite enamoured by the japanaese name translator. i need more unicode sites to post stuff on. currently flickr is my only full-unicode product.
nick clark pointed out acme::intraweb. both a beautiful name and a beautiful implementation. top marks.
no way. cat cloning is now available. because obviously the world doesn't have enough cats.
bashism of the week: "and the lord said unto john; come forth and receive eternal life. but john came fifth and won a toaster"
you know what really bugs me? when people spell my name wrong. in reply to my emails. which contain my name twice in the email address. and once in my signature. my name which is a whole THREE FUCKING LETTERS LONG. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, JOHN FUCKING JORDAN?
sony ericsson's p910i looks nice but there's no release date yet. a full keyboard on the flip might convince me to keep the flip attached, unlike the 800 and 900.
i'm not sure if i've already linked to hugeurl or not. the premise is simple - it's a parallel to tinyurl, making regular urls alot longer. nice
a ginger baby monkey was born at london zoo, go gingers can get in free this sunday. nice.
the people's hero of translucent plastic and irritating error noises has cancer. well, that sucks.
after shutting down their sms bidback service in the uk earlier this year, ebay have launched a new sms bidding service. shame i'm not in the uk any more. and that i already hjave too many sun and sgi boxes.
wikiverse describes itself as "an up-to-date high speed static mirror of Wikipedia". it's currently soliciting linkage from all sorts of sites. i wonder if it's wikipedia endorsed. i suspect not. spam seems way too tacky for wikipedia.
a world of sql-related headaches today. while searching for an answer, i came across this nice explanation of joins in mysql - detailing multiple left joins, which is handy stuff.
span looks to be the first fully featured language built on the parrot vm, and so marks a big milestone in parrot's evolution. leo's python work is coming along too, with an AST generator posted this weekend. parrot is getting closer to the elusive 1.0
best domain ever? team fishcake. genius
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
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