Posts from August 2008

31st August, 7:16 pm

michael pitt is emo hammond. also, emo hammond is everywhere (on left)

31st August, 6:37 pm

a useful flow chart for reference. thanks mr hammond

28th August, 11:45 pm

i miss h73. has it really been that long?

28th August, 11:26 pm


28th August, 11:14 pm

taptaptap has pretty apps with a lovely js interface. loving the screenshot viewer thingy

28th August, 12:18 am

is that like a flickr?

27th August, 10:44 pm

this is some cutlery i would buy. thanks to mr baio, on vigilant bacon-watch

26th August, 5:44 pm

a tough day at work, adding lots of documentation

26th August, 5:00 pm

a want this screen cover

26th August, 3:46 pm

Talking 1500-LED Clock

26th August, 2:06 pm

a making bacon slideshow (p.s. new flickr slideshow is awesome) [via js]

26th August, 12:41 pm

and one more - the michel gondry chemical brothers video, which has some interesting visual effects

26th August, 12:37 pm

more interesting videos - this time a music video with stop-motion cut-outs [via r2]

26th August, 12:34 pm

a trio of three beautiful adverts: the original sony bravia ad with the bouncing balls, the tango parody of it and the bravia bunny ad. so beautiful

25th August, 3:24 pm is just what i'd been looking for - an easy way to extract an mp3 from youtube videos. lovely

25th August, 3:15 pm

mcsweeny's continues to be awesome. must add to my rss list

25th August, 2:25 pm

there are world championships for throwing mobiles phones? the world is awesome

25th August, 12:02 pm

mycrocosm is a lovely little collection of graphs of everyday activity. now i just need our robot overlords to silently collect this. and then kill us all [via asc]

25th August, 11:59 am

another iamcal wedding. congrats!

25th August, 10:50 am

The 2008 Olympics - Photo highlights

25th August, 10:35 am

new favorite page on the internets

25th August, 10:18 am

24 hours of Urbanspoon

23rd August, 3:55 pm

these predictions for the next hundred years are pretty interesting - some spot on, some fairly wishful

22nd August, 11:24 pm

if you live in sf and are looking for a manly bike, this may be your answer

22nd August, 7:57 am

i want this now. is the receiver small enough to fit in an iphone? [via bogan]

21st August, 9:22 pm

i remember why i never watch tv - i now need a baconator

21st August, 9:15 pm

big fat bacon: "1/3 lb slice of bacon fried and carmelized with maple syrup, served on a stick with dipping sauces". i'm in love

21st August, 7:05 pm

how does aaron know everything? a good article on pizza in nyc

21st August, 5:32 pm

an interesting visualization of the proposed tax cuts from both mccain and obama [via myles]

21st August, 2:19 pm

how do you even design a drainage system to do this?

21st August, 2:04 pm

mapature seems like a cool way to geo-tag in aperture. anyone tried it? [via bogan]

21st August, 12:14 pm

neil k is super nerdy and awesome. and he's joining team flickr

20th August, 9:35 am

David Byrne Bike Racks

20th August, 9:32 am

The RFID photo booth

20th August, 6:47 am

The Wild Life

16th August, 8:42 am

email rainbows

16th August, 8:38 am

it looks like downtown sf is going to be full of win today

15th August, 5:17 pm

maggie has some good twittering tips

15th August, 5:14 pm

ok, i want a bubble calendar so bad

15th August, 3:47 pm

Using Photographs to Enhance Videos of a Static Scene

15th August, 1:03 pm

Constant Setting

15th August, 1:01 pm

bacon angel!

15th August, 11:39 am

these are not my cats

15th August, 10:37 am

the new photosynth demo video is even more amazing than the last set. wow [via mr burka]

14th August, 2:59 pm

...a machine detected that a piece of bacon ... had a similar molecular density to certain types of explosives.

14th August, 1:25 pm

omg. firerift is the best thing ever. we're moving flickr over to it asap

14th August, 12:44 pm

outer space: not that far away. cute, but could have been so much better

14th August, 12:40 pm

little gordon is full of win

14th August, 12:31 pm

ooh, i see a possible new career

14th August, 12:18 am

quasi quoting via a perl source filter looks cool. and the author works for the big y? must stop reading cpan twitter bot

13th August, 5:07 pm

south van ness at army has barely changed

13th August, 1:16 pm

frotz for the iphone? time to get out my z-code compiler and get writing

13th August, 1:15 pm

the olympics opening ceremony in 60 seconds. i want all of my media in this format

13th August, 9:15 am

a telescope for the iphone? that's pretty cool, but i'd prefer a macro

13th August, 12:43 am

oh dear - looks like apple is currently on fire. hope none of my friends have lost their desks

12th August, 7:12 pm

there's a twitter stream of new cpan modules. nerd tastic

12th August, 1:11 pm

cake wrecks is the new best website on the internet

12th August, 12:21 pm

blue bottle are opening a permanent store in the ferry building (part 2 of the article). yay!

11th August, 6:14 pm

Many Eyes visualization - circles

11th August, 3:50 pm

brady recommends vibram five fingers. looks pretty cool

11th August, 3:45 pm

wow, would anyone wear this? srly?

11th August, 1:14 pm

a lesson is learned, but the damage is irreversible. go and read it all. now. i'll wait. all done? wasn't that worth it? [via myles]

11th August, 1:09 pm

shut your fucking face, uncle fucka. swearing is very grown-up

11th August, 11:10 am

a nice mysql flag that i wasn't aware of - --log-queries-not-using-indexes

10th August, 10:52 pm

the spectral wolf fears only fire. godspeed

10th August, 5:52 pm

because bats weren't already scary enough

10th August, 5:50 pm

do your part - carry a ham

10th August, 5:27 pm

omg. a candy mountain lipdub? my life is complete

10th August, 2:21 pm

i'm not sure why this is open in one of my tabs, but there we go

10th August, 2:20 pm

geometry wars 2 looks pretty badass. the character detail level is breathtaking

10th August, 1:16 pm

george orwell's diaries are being published real-time in the same way as the pepys diary project

10th August, 1:14 pm

some beautiful photos from the olympics opening ceremony

10th August, 1:14 pm

a map of sf micro-climates

10th August, 10:41 am


10th August, 10:28 am

Slay the Giant

9th August, 7:50 pm

maybe batman smokes too much

8th August, 10:35 pm

iPhone in Korean mode is awesome - 길

8th August, 4:02 pm

adolf is not happy with twitter's uptime

8th August, 9:26 am

i'm not sure that this is the best idea. or maybe not. grim batol would be a badass name. at least he didn't pick serpentshrine cavern

7th August, 2:00 pm

welcome to my study is super creepy. hard to even watch

7th August, 12:34 pm

an awesome sweeny todd / over compensating mashup

7th August, 10:47 am


7th August, 10:31 am

braid looks pretty fun - myles is obsessed with it

7th August, 10:25 am

in my brain this morning: pork and beans acoustic version

7th August, 9:25 am

ikea to sell solar panels? the future is now

6th August, 7:08 pm

a buffy animated series could have been cool

6th August, 6:42 pm

nerdery: ISO 7810 is the standard for bank cards, passports and SIM cards

6th August, 4:10 pm

the telstar blog has photos from the Emirates A380 demo flight out of sfo. even more photos on flickr

6th August, 1:20 pm

forget garfield - dilbert minus dilbert is where it's at

6th August, 12:23 pm

that's a pretty serious burger [via dunstan]

5th August, 3:21 pm

Crimes and Misdemeanors

5th August, 10:24 am

Eureka Carpark Melbourne

5th August, 10:20 am

Gargantuan Scale Model of Shanghai in 2020

4th August, 11:45 pm

announcing lib_oauth - an OAuth library for PHP4, requiring no extra extensions, pear modules, etc.

4th August, 5:02 pm

zach klein's homepage is super awesome. came across it again today and it's still great

4th August, 3:07 pm

songs from cannibal the musical. such a good film

4th August, 2:01 pm

Organic Flash generated video

4th August, 12:23 pm

10 reasons it would rule to date a unicorn [via joshua]

2nd August, 4:27 pm

the cern rap is just too awesome for words

1st August, 7:16 pm

teefury is a really awesome idea. assuming they're any good


This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.

I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.

» About Cal


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