it's been a while since i had wallpaper, but it's getting difficult to resist.
it's been a while since i had wallpaper, but it's getting difficult to resist.
beees! burning hot beees!
i'm losing my faith in the sanity of users. note-tastic
rollyo is, as time says, "in the web 2.0 style". built on top of the y! search api.
finally there's a solution to my inability to park.
salt points out this review of the pop station 2. i kinda want one.
once again i'm terribly bhind the curve. the bleeding edge of web 2.0 is clearly knows://eris
you might not be able to get a good one for windows yet, but at least the psp has an svg viewer. thanks aaron
"beedogs is the premier online repository for pictures of dogs in bee costumes". seriously
brian fling, d. keith robinson, matt may and nick finck have started blue flavor. might be one to watch in the near future.
a c boardgame. sooooo awesome
typetester is beautiful, fun and might even be useful. via pep
hurrah for pixel fucking. an adny production i believe
the ie developer toolbar, out 3 days ago, is really really good
super happy dev house 4 was awesome - photographic evidence
edmonton's john de ruiter is completely fucking insane
just incase you were unsure, scientologists are fucking insane.
salty points out a good apple history articles site.
the nano appears to be more or less indestructible. thanks aaorn
an excellent billie stalking article via coates, using the web for interesting purposes.
an excellent guide for students from rob-p: cooking eggs with mobile phones. also ties into the recent egg puns thread. seamless
bookmarked for later: nessus vunerability scanner.
a little bit long, but worth spending the time. lea points out how to be emo
paul ford has gone insane, but in a good way [via pb]
although lacking the macintosh history, braeburn does have some other interesting historical pieces and seems to be being actively updated. definately an interesting one to watch.
this birth of the lisa article makes for very interesting reading. a similar 'birth of the macintosh' would be nice
linspire are giving away their 5.0 product for the next 5 days. perhaps worth a poke. [via lee]
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
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