jeff r of wigu fame pointed out the beautifully drawn "a lesson is learned but the damage is irreversible". i might make it a regular read.
jeff r of wigu fame pointed out the beautifully drawn "a lesson is learned but the damage is irreversible". i might make it a regular read.
eric's daughter phoebe is a genius
sim torture looks like fun.
some irrefutable (maybe) proof that god hates bush.
yay! "the system of the world", part three of "the baroque cycle" has arrived. will start reading tonight and put coupland on hold.
i need to get a wood clock. i wonder what the viewable angle is like.
sean o'rourke points out a nice way to get a perl shell. now why isn't there a Perl::Shell module to do the same thing without all the line noise? a CPAN-esque "perl -MPerl -e shell" would be nice.
craig got laid off today. we're shifting the company focus to 100% on our main product, which is a good thing.
the god faq is an un-subtle work of genius
a french compsci teacher is using parrot on their vm course.
breaking up woth someone using powerpoint is a stroke of fucking genius.
george found these excellent ebola plushies. top marks!
mike pointed out this excellent page of neistat brothers movies.
bookmarking for later: making custard from scratch
gah. shortly after getting the altec lansing speakers for my ipod, bose bring out a much sexier set for a similar price.
a fancy flash version of the hhgttg text adventure. nice.
boris johnson has a blog. he's probably the only tory i like.
paparazzi is a nice logical extension of hammond's webkit2png (which i could never get working). i should really get it together and try some cocoa objective-c apps.
a vaguely interesting perl5 oo syntax filter module (though no standard build/install process, which sucks ass). i prefer luke's Class::Closure.
this little game is a lot of fun. striatic took about 75 rolls to get it. i got it straight away. what about you?
oooh - getting a valve tourament license is free. now that's a sensible approach.
mac's auto-eject is great, unless you're in space.
"sympathetris. tetris! but. it has sympathy. so you get to choose what comes next". jc rules
listening to lee and herring from years ago i came across the dream warriors - wash your face in my sink. i was trying to remember what this song was called a few weeks ago. pretty awesome.
tortoise merge (part of the tortoise svn distribution) is a really good gui merger.
gah. too much work, not enough time to surf. need to remember to pay my hydro bill. doing some work for drew from tfd. more on that soon after i finish up with the client from hell.
a new version of perl6 synopsis 5 (regexps) is out. must read it.
OS-tan might be the coolest/oddest thing i've seen in a while. a manga/os-wars crossover. wikipedia knows all.
i didnt realise that mjd's perl newbie rants were a segment of yapc 2002 the movie
via b4ta, a nice anti-mac video. reminds for of the mjd perl newbie video.
wigu fan art in the form of a tDR parody. oooh - i wonder if tDR have new shirts out.
at least someone took my comments about PEAR's failing to heart.
acen of 1992 "trip to the moon" fame has all his stuff online. great stuff
this random text generator makes an awesome pop-culture alternative to using lorem ipsum.
scary goings on in th p6i world - jospeh ryan explains how to inline prolog in perl 6 using macros and the cross-language eval statement.
john vanderslice (ex of mk ultra) has a bunch of mp3s available to download on his site. as in whole albums. must download later when i get time.
very useful - a list of which c functions are required in each standard (c89, c99, posix, etc).
playpumps are a really good invention. harnessing power that otherwise goes to waste is a good idea
PAR looks really good. it's a JAR-like packaging system for perl apps. must investigate tomorrow.
"When Linux was first ported to the Furby platform, it suffered from significant stability and performance problems, which gave the Furby an unfortunate reputation as being unsuitable for enterprise-level computing". well spotted by saltation.
oooh. yoz has released a cool hack for delicious - tag auto-completion.
do north americans not play conkers? crazy fools
i'm talking at the vancouver php users group meeting next week. why not come along and hear me talk crap.
the geography olympics are pretty fun. got 50% the first time and 90% the second.
a new perl module: XML::Parser::Lite::Tree::XPath . my first foray into xpath backends. docs are here. should reach cpan later today.
bytemark have started offering dedicated servers. not too expernsive (though hardly the cheapest) and they're terribly nice people.
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
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