Posts from November 2009

30th November, 8:26 pm

the twilight formula explained! nice illustrations

30th November, 12:10 pm

this plug comparison is a nice idea, badly executed. uk plugs should not win

30th November, 12:09 pm

i think this is a genuinely terrible idea. though the real one is hardly 'tech'

25th November, 11:29 pm

this sleeping bag needs to be mine

24th November, 1:22 pm

i'm with kenny - boobs are pretty funny

23rd November, 7:48 pm

some excellent data visualization on the afgan war

23rd November, 7:24 pm

omg, these people are terrifying. i just hope there aren't enough of them

21st November, 6:43 pm

these photos of the LHC are awesome - i had a chance to tour it a few years back and it's amazing in person too

21st November, 6:31 pm

there's not really any excuse for not contributing to nickd's book project on kickstarter

20th November, 4:43 pm

brooke was interviewed by new scientist. kinda awesome

18th November, 6:54 pm

i need a cat right now, co that i can dress it up in this. anyone i know have a spare white cat?

18th November, 12:29 pm

oooh, i want to visit the fusion reactor

17th November, 11:37 pm

McCann Erickson are cashing in on being, well, a sausage factory

17th November, 11:17 pm

schiller pointed to a very detailed profiler for IE6+ that can trace execution between javascript and native code and profile it. very data rich

17th November, 11:07 pm

i'm generally skeptical of new things, but fire php seems pretty nice. stuffing that in headers is a lovely way to debug json ajax responses

17th November, 10:53 pm

this is kind of amazing - playboy in braille. i need this

16th November, 11:31 pm

collaborative writing is the devil's work

16th November, 4:03 pm

i don't know about you guys, but i'm going to start wearing the ribbon

16th November, 2:03 pm

my C is weak, but this presentation on compiler optimizations is a great read

13th November, 11:44 am

can anybody lend me $150m? i'd like to get a new boat

13th November, 11:23 am

this timelapse video from gta 4 shows some of the astounding level of detail that goes into modern games. wow

13th November, 1:14 am

i want this clock so bad right now. please start selling them

12th November, 10:14 am

wow, this analysis of choose your own adventure books is really really excellent. genius

10th November, 11:36 am

when editors attack. i aspire to be that awesome

7th November, 2:16 pm

i find it hard to believe that the open office mouse is for real. seriously?

7th November, 2:15 pm

an excellent review/explanation of the new coen brothers movie, a serious man

7th November, 2:13 pm

what's the point in calendars?

6th November, 3:31 pm

the world would be a better place with just a little more high fiving

4th November, 5:01 pm

this investigation into lego nomenclature is excellent. remember having similar issues building something with a friend when young. you know, a "light frame"!

4th November, 4:53 pm

the 2009 grant-pattishall award was announced today - congrats kellan!

3rd November, 7:00 pm

ooh, this looks fun. where can i drive one?

2nd November, 10:59 am

a nice gizmodo piece on different power plug types around the world. we are screwed and can't be unscrewed

1st November, 8:11 pm

pokemon + milkshake + bash = ultimate win

1st November, 7:05 pm

i don't think i've seen milky way spread in california, but is appears to be sold in some states. how about yours? i'd love some right about now. mmmm


This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.

I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.

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