it's kinda wrong, but i want these
it's kinda wrong, but i want these
this banner ad is awesome - keep clicking. for ages. do it
this excellent concept for folding UK 3-pin-plugs is so genius that i'm surprised it hasn't been done before. i want one
carnivore? keep being awesome!
nethax is an ajax nethack [via joshua]
quite a good twitter article via barbarian group
my floating disembodied head has never been so flattered
a very cute IE6 upgrade page via ernie
three frames is wonderful, if you can get past the epilepsy
bring back free clicking. man, the nyt site bugs me
to be honest, this just looks dangerous. and also pretty awesome
ooh, i want this beautiful hand-made clockwork usb key. guessing it was quite expensive though
a guide to the locations of deaths in die hard. at least i can sleep soundly
my milk toof is doing the rounds. cute
know your asian poses
anil wins at the web. genius
fat princess looks awesome. cake for everyone!
postbox seems interesting. a thunderbird fork with some gmail-like features. anyone using it? [update] it insists on downloading my entire (IMAP) inbox before it lets me look at any mail. my inbox is huge. not going to wait. fail
this still remains the best wow video of all time. need to level my druid
open the door, save the kittens
friends are like potatoes. so true
trip trop nyc is incredibly fucking awesome. and very fast, considering what it's doing. i assume they broke nyc into squares and have the times between squares precalced?
i'd like a 49-port usb hub. i'd never have to unplug crap again
this bike crash is pretty sweet. like dude/sweet, not sugary
pro-tip for working with scenes in flash CS3 (not needed in CS4). you have to have something on the timeline (even an empty comment will work) for the scenes to be accessible at run time (from a wrapper swf). otherwise scenes.length will always be 1 and the scenes wont have any names. thanks to lapsus bloggus for being the only person of the web to figure it out and talk about it
some variations on the tetris couch. nice, but not good enough. please try harder
obama is my invisible bike
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
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