Posts from October 2002

31st October, 7:42 am

The unfortunate tale takes a new twist, thanks to Thomas Klovert. Finally our heros have a name. But how will Miss Paige Rodgers and the mysterious Mr Elliot save humankind from the robots? What will happen next. Only you can decide...

When I was about seven, I was convinced that Jesus was an alien for a while, and that all those miracles were just him using his advanced alien technology. I got into a long argument with my dad over that, and eventually he conceded that, yes, Jesus could have been an alien. [i used to believe](

Some interesting police stats [via phil/haddock]

Not yet, but soon:

He's back

31st October, 6:17 am

For one night only: Barbelith Claims This Film (all iamcal members welcome)

29th October, 3:32 pm

Updates have not been fourthcoming due to powercut/holiday. normal service should resume back in a few days times.

When you were here before, Couldn't look you in the eye. You're just like an angel, Your skin makes me cry. You float like a feather, In a beautiful world. And I wish I was special, You're so very special.

14th October, 1:02 am

The history of google [via haddock]

Good at maths? Become a millionaire [via guy]

It was only a matter of time: taliban reunited [via sul]

Does your binary name occur within the first four billion digits of pi? [via sul]

Are you an evil ex or not?

9th October, 6:44 am

A new look for

Have you topped up your oil lately? Cooking oil, i mean.

Marvel at, among some other sculptures, Lego Escher

A spelling lesson from bloing.

This just might be the best page in the universe

8th October, 12:43 am

Donnie Darkko is coming out in the cinema in the UK soon. It is the best film you will ever see.

To start you off, found out which donnie darkko character you are.

Score brownie points is an excellent idea. According to the person i spoke to, they're planning on expanding to the UK early in the new year.

7th October, 12:53 am

I am buttercup

Geek fest: first international scissors-paper-stone programming contest

An upsideclown haiku:

Flirting with beauty; Eyes flutter, heart beats quickly; Walk off embarrassed.

Innocent fruit smoothies may be the best drink ever invented. And their website isn't half bad. Or their other website. Or their book (well worth buying).

Steve Krug is sensible

4th October, 2:18 am


4th October, 1:42 am

Geek quotes is still funny as ever:

Kat: I just got an email from Horny Orgy Babes. Kat: oh gee... I wonder what it's about kmds: rhinocerous calves studying organic chemistry?

Beeth: Girls are like internet domain names, the ones I like are already taken. honx: well, you can stil get one from a strange country :-P

Skyraider: you might be surprised how black clouds can be :) MrPumpernickel: rgb 0,0,0?

g0atb0t: What's ADD stand for? Attention Deficit LET'S GO RIDE BIKES!

Blogjam presents: the sex test

Re-reading old upsideclown, i still think this is my favorite. Written just post September 11th, and with an excellent little story snippet in the middle which i just can't forget.

Ages ago i got a new toy which i have totally failed to go on about (yet). Watch this space.

How to make a better 404 page

2nd October, 2:37 am

Buying computers? Consider the sexy people at dnuk sms roundup:

chandler: This message was brought to you by the letters P and H and the numbers 4.0 and 2000 Ell: Quote of the day: "One man's folly is another man's wife." ~Helen Rowland saima: hello. i thought i'd send one at an antisocial hour because i am bored, sick and phlegmy. i like that word. you should too. Redmaiden: Hi sexy ;) Ell: Thought for the day: "No one can earn a million dollars honestly." ~William Jennings Bryan

Take the e-consultancy quiz (i can only get 10)

Have you been reading true porn clerk stories?

Lego people are taking over the world [via ste]

1st October, 12:04 am

Jay is back with another episode of this mans life. recommended viewing

Rats is good. Really good. Worth paying money for good.

Please somebody, go out with Log

Get bands to play at your school

Quote of the week: "Sometimes it feels like it's just you and me against everybody else on this sexy spinning hunk of space rock doesn't it?" (from the wigu mailing list)

Disturbing yet attractive video projects: pleix


This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.

I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.

» About Cal


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