Posts from December 2001

19th December, 6:23 am

If your name is N-i-n-o S-t-r-a-l-l-a, please stop sending me text messages and post your message here

18th December, 9:49 am

The bible told with lego. It's fun.

7th December, 12:21 pm

There's only 2 days left to sign up for secret santa. Secret santa appeared in thursday's new york times

[Desk duck]( itself is mildly amusing but the faq is funny beyond belief: Should we fear ducks? Apart from the possibility of a firm pecking, no you are fairly safe as far as ducks go, its geese you have to watch out for. Mind you I have often thought that with their ability to swim underwater as well as on the surface, and to walk and fly ducks could make the ultimate combat soldier.

Wired have picked up the KPMG story (KPMG, KPMG. KPMG. KPMG). I feel somehow responsible for alerting tom to this.

All you ever wanted to know about the underground postoffice railway. did anyone realise this exists at all?

A scary online zoo

The fantastic free host f2s (freedom to surf) is closing it's free hosting service. Users are being 'invited' to upgrade for about £40 a year.

4th December, 6:45 am

O'Reilly's latest book

Remember i found a flash scalalextric set a long time ago? Here's another.

Nothing is amazing.

What does a billion look like? What about a trillion? The megapenny project finds out. [via matt jones]

Top ten signs that your son is computer hacker - seriously? [via tom]

i like pete: rappanet

I sent a letter to the BBC cult department: On the [Hitchhikers Guide]( "Guide Quiz", question 5 ("Why might you not recognise a Hagguenenon twice?"), the answer should be "evolve" rather than "mutate". I feel this is quite important, as Hagguenenons are hyper-evolutionary beings, not just genetically unstable :) And within exactly 20 minutes i got this nice reply: You are, of course, right. You are so right, I think I'll go and wash my head in that bucket of water over there. If only all media organisations were so fast and friendly. And yes, i'm a walking Douglas Adams dictionary.

Some muppets are trying to ban cookies.

KPMG on metafilter [via tom via jason via tom via me via chris r]

4th December, 2:58 am

KPMG tell chris r not to link to them. What to we do?

Link to [KPMG]( Link to [KPMG]( Link to [KPMG]( Link to [KPMG]( Link to [KPMG]( Link to [KPMG](

3rd December, 3:35 pm

iamcal regular chris can explain your dreams. Tell him what you see at night, and he'll explain who's trying to kill you...


This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.

I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.

» About Cal


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