qlaonic is a great syntax resource [via salti]
qlaonic is a great syntax resource [via salti]
the pleix films are beautiful [via george]
if you miss me in your part of the world, you can catch me talking at 4 upcoming events - web design world in san francisco, the web 2.0 summit in london, my workshop in new york and emeging tech in san deigo. more details on my talks site
need to check back on the slanket site in a couple of weeks when they have more stock
sick of imdb? the movie deaths database is great
salti points out an interesting article about dealing with bad request traffic over http
a date for your diaries: calmus 2006
i need to take a look at the gnupod module to see if i can hook up ipod play counts to lastfm for better stat tracking
gama-go has some nice shirtage [via derek]
she keeps all her ports open like windows ME, there's so much drama in the PhD. [via leonard via gordon]
tenbills have some nice shirts [via heather]
audioscrobbler's web services offerings are looking a lot more comprehensive these days. need to hook up the media page at some point soon.
mozilla's extension building tutorial is really well written.
omg omg omg. next generation mindstorms. anyone know where i can pre-order it?
veer has some nice typography-related shirts
page saver for ff 1.5 looks very very cool. like paparazzi for osx only works on windows and is built right into the browser. does visible-portion captures too.
mr messina has started selling his designs in tshirt form. mmm
the medieval unicode font initiative are doing interesting things with the unicode private use area
a good guide to washing care symbols
calendar fact of the day: january 1 of any year whose number is a multiple of 400 is a saturday. From this you can work out the day of the week of any date. thanks wikipedia
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
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