Posts from November 2005

23rd November, 7:59 pm

a couple of great articles on the issues involved with gslb. if anyone has any idea how akamai's freeflow/edgesuite claims to provide dc failover in around a minute i'd live to know - dns trickery or route convergence?

23rd November, 2:38 pm

the carson workshops web 2.0 summit looks awesome. i don't think i'll be able to go, but would love to.

22nd November, 4:33 pm

perenial favorite visitorville have just released a 3d version. most excellent

22nd November, 1:06 am

hatter's awesome site is actually, you know, awesome

21st November, 3:12 pm

higher-order javascript is a nice digression from mjd's higher-order perl [via aaron]

21st November, 10:35 am

this is a pretty interesting google presentation. still watching it, so not sure how much it gives away.

20th November, 8:47 pm

summer fun chthulhu. as joyce says, brainsucking, and beachy!

20th November, 2:17 pm

pie are square? two pie are. and three pie are cube!

18th November, 5:59 pm

secret santa lives again! time to pony up some cash and spread the love.

18th November, 12:09 pm

from a php disucssion at work: "If you're willing to continually do the heavy lifting of ensuring that your version of Smalltalk96 on Rails stays concurrent with the latest patches". omg, how awesome would that be?

18th November, 11:33 am

iconlover is a neat little window icon editor.

18th November, 10:18 am

the corporate identity catalogue is just too cool

18th November, 10:14 am

phil posted a really interesting visualization of corporate logo colors to flickr

17th November, 11:48 pm

this guy has written some really nice looking osx software [via messina]

17th November, 1:44 pm

just went to the y js debugging class, so some links for you. venkman debugger for ff. fiddler debugging proxy for ie (and ff/win). instant source ie source introspection. visual studio express has a neat ie script debugger.

16th November, 11:25 pm

a paper about intercal. very nice

16th November, 9:47 am

doom on an ipod. doom on an ipod. doom. on. an. ipod. don't you see? [via matts]

15th November, 1:16 pm

it's been doing the rounds for a few days, but is still fun - web 2.0 validator. the best part is that it uses delicious to get it's rules. very web 2.0

14th November, 11:03 pm

i'm trying out google analytics on iamcal for a few days to see what the dashboard looks like. looks fairly snazzy.

14th November, 9:25 pm

omg. this is the best map visualization of public transport in the us i've ever seen. beautiful. via the cameron factor

14th November, 1:01 pm

dug up from the depths of the Internet by the iamcal collective: joel's dating slides. i wish i'd though of that

11th November, 9:03 pm

ryan and eran did this great tv interview from last night's launch party. remember, users are losers.

8th November, 11:38 pm

ietab is utter utter genius. it allows you to use IE in certain tabs within firefox, and easily switch between the two. TOO COOL.

7th November, 11:15 am

messina found just curious, a nice anonymous question/answer app.

7th November, 11:13 am

somebody's made a flickr theme for adium.

6th November, 3:54 am

escher in lego

5th November, 5:42 pm

eric's been digging up a couple of really neat http upload related tools lately - two ajax progress meters for php and this neat multi-file upload ui.

4th November, 10:59 pm

i was reminded of this photo the other day when jones came by the office. utter genius. it does sound like something i'd say

4th November, 8:12 pm

aaron points out the Acme::DRM module. read the method descriptions carefully - brilliant.

4th November, 8:04 pm

from the parrot mailing list regarding the stripping of .t file attachments: "This was changed on perl5-porters a few weeks ago, and since then I don't recall seeming a marked increase in troff spam". genius

4th November, 4:27 pm

flock hasve released their (fairly agressive) roadmap

3rd November, 10:28 pm

noting down these two books for later - only really availabale in the UK.

3rd November, 5:19 pm

the moz team are talking about tags. it all sounds familiar

3rd November, 2:44 am

i am caltrain

2nd November, 1:14 pm

new to the awesome comics list - Dr McNinja

2nd November, 9:49 am

salt pointed out onlife, a freeware pseudoclone of devonthink. it's on the border line between awesome and frighteding. i'm not sure i want to know how much time i spend in notepad. osx only, though

1st November, 9:25 pm

a nice link from the lul maps pages is this collection of maps including a couple of accurate line maps. niice.

1st November, 9:12 pm

some mapping stuff from matt jones - a list of london underground map resources (including a couple from me) and a map of the uk's motorways visualised in harry beck style. the latter would make a nice poster. time to break out the tabloid color laser at work i suspect.

1st November, 8:57 pm

saft looks like a nice set of safari extensions. why hadn't i seen that before?

1st November, 1:41 pm

found by eric and pretty cool - a php extension to allow you to track file upload progress. very very nice.

1st November, 9:31 am

does anyone have experience with spreadshirt? i wonder if their product is a bit crappy.


This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.

I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.

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