jeremy cole has finally solved the mysql swapping-for-no-reason issue. very nice work [via ph]
jeremy cole has finally solved the mysql swapping-for-no-reason issue. very nice work [via ph]
it didn't take long to break the quadracopter, but parrot's online repair videos are really really good. should be back up and flying in no time
hipster dinosaurs is just very very well done
the dev video for biolab disaster is really good. lots of great ideas in there
is rare exports real? there's something i'd love to see
i can never find the dnslint tool that i really liked, but the opendns cache tool is a bit useful
oooh, i really like these lost tarot cards [via tom]
this semi-quine is amazingly awesome [via kastner]
ok, i really want to visit soda pop stop. very very cool
plumen has finally started shipping
lots of good projects coming out of node.js right now - Uglify JS is a JS minifier based on a JS AST parser and tree walker. Could do some neat things with that.
can't download any purchases in itunes on a mac that's been migrated to? then this is what you want to know - the bit about deleting 'SC Info'. fuuuuuu
making fun of seo warms my heart
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
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