i was recently reminded of lord of war - the poster is great
i was recently reminded of lord of war - the poster is great
boccalone sounds great, but who wants to have to go and pick it up? i want it mailed to me, a la "bacon of the month club"
ooh - a place that sells cuboro in the US
a nice summary of some js oddities that can be used for building exploits against various filtering systems
the apple iphone design guidelines contain a bunch of useful sizing and color info
the wow rep calculator is really nicely done
will you survive the halo-caust? [via myles]
some lovely original ppg artwork [via ph]
ch have posted a followup to the commenter meeting video. the cat is a nice touch
is it just me or does this 'genuine grain' just look like more noise than the 'fake' grain examples? [via nascent guru]
one for stinkles - squirrel assualt course
super micro home - did i link this forever-ago? couldn't find it
straight women are ruining sex - fact [via coatese]
my first last.graph is ready. ooooh. tom suggests getting it printed big and framed - might just do that
last graph is inspired by lee byron's lovely wavegraph
last graph makes some really beautiful graphs
i have a new goal in life. on second thoughts, maybe not
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
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