Posts from November 2003

27th November, 9:41 am

good news! pixie, my ibook, has returned from the apple hospital and is doing well. thanks to all the people who mailed in messages of support, especially the powerbook and the g5 (who knew computers could write email themselves?)

could this be the future?

i meant to post this about a year ago, but luckily it's almost christmas time again, so it still applies :)

Buffy human-vampire population equillibrium [via UfoZ]

fsv is really cool. make the pseudo-technical world of Jurrassic Park unix come true!

26th November, 9:17 am

Guy is back and on top form.

i saw these a few years ago, but just came across them again: photos of a young mr gates. err, bill not gareth

the best use for a g4 cube? not that they're rubbish or anything. infact, they're rather super.

some new fonts from the iamcal foundry: braille and hellovetica

Misspato is my favourite new design portal

25th November, 9:52 am

This is something i've always wondered about: how lego is made

There is dire. millions of dollars spent developing it, and it ends up as a crap 3d shop. this review sums it up perfectly. but i didn't dislike it enough to complain about it until i tried to unsubscribe from their "There Fun Times" email newsletter. did they have an unsubsribe link? nope. how about an address i could mail? which i had to have a certain subject line and body? fair enough. but them i'm told it'll take 5 working days to remove me from the mailing list. WTF!? we're talking about computers here - it doesn't take 5 days to remove me from a mailing list. "There" is hardly state of the art - don't waste your money.

when your ipod battery starts to die, you can buy a new one. but would you dare fit it yourself?

why don't they do this set for a double bed? it's a crime that so much of the ppg stuff is aimed at kids ;)

you can test your digital iq online (i got 232)

24th November, 12:26 am

"Things my girlfriend and i have argued about" - the movie? [via grim]

This god/beliefs game is pretty nifty. [via outis/gne]

From bash this week: this is some serious ascii dancing

This 3d tube map is very cool, but what it really needs is some form of data export for others to play with. [via tom]

More about the [secret santa project]( this year: How to deal with [naughty santas]( [Imitation]( is still the sincerest form of [flattery](, right?

21st November, 1:47 pm

i have sad news. pixie (my beautiful ibook) was taken into apple hospital today, after a hard disc failure. please send your get well soon messages to

luckily the nice people at square group (more specifically, the extremely foxy "mia") have said that she should be ok again by next tuesday. i do hope that's the case :'(

12th November, 9:54 am

Weblogger south, Weblogger north! Come hear my tale of Christmas glee... Which this year shall be much in rhyme (I'm sorry and please bear with me...)

A mount so high it touches space; Within: a massive darkened cave, Wherein a sharp and pointy race Of tiny elves has been enslaved...

And in the centre, Mrs Claus - A tower of computer might (And built for no apparent cause) Stands passive in the candlelight.

Beside her there's a silhouette A disconnected robot form Who waits each year for holidays The chance to serve and be reborn.

But then, what's this? The Yule alarm!? A klaxxon sounds throughout the lair And with a twitch, the robot's arm Thrusts holly fistfuls in the air!

He stands, a monster, next the flames That every year before hath burned. And lo! His robot voice proclaims That [SECRET SANTA HAS RETURNED](!

11th November, 2:42 am

The google deskbar looks pretty cool. Of course, you need need an os with active desktop (i.e, not windows nt 4) to be able to use it. arses.

Hot news in the blogging world this week is the prostitute blog. [via haddock,b3ta,etc]

This is a very cool way to do a shopping guide, but must have taken forever to make. [via pep]

Classic Spectrum game Head Over Heels makes a welcome return with rather ace graphics.

The [iamcal tale]( has been updated thanks to Thomas Klovert. Now all I need is for someone to actually submit some exposition and move the story along from a string of badly linked murders ;)

Special thanks this week to warren, chris, fluffy, heidi and calan for being fantastic.

3rd November, 9:22 am

clever cactus seems like it might be really cool, if only i could figure out what it actually does. requires a speedy computer due to being the-evil-that-is-java based.

More hardcore case modding: Tandy 102 [via giles]

A nice explanation of co-routines, which we're going to have now in parrot (right?) [via esolang]

Having trouble sending email? Have you considered that maybe your intended recipient is too far away? [via]

404 - porn not found? [via Locke]


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