not sure if powerpuff girls z is going to see a uk/us release, but it looks interesting [via lea]
not sure if powerpuff girls z is going to see a uk/us release, but it looks interesting [via lea]
candyblog is awesome - i'm considering doing something along those lines myself.
a very interesting graph looking at the number of photos of various cities on flickr. i'd love to see an 2006 updated version.
omg - nintendo smells of wii
hardboiled have some nice shirts [via heathr]
woo - vitamin is finally live!
this is my new favourite elina (well, second favourite) [via flickr]
english tea store - penguins are sold out, but i've ordered myself a care package of goodies
i'm tempted to get the l33t scrabble tiles for a high nerdosity factor [via brock]
awesome series of japanese rube goldberg machines. sooo cool
joel's latest article on management abstraction in software companies deserves a read
i thought i'd linked to cabspotting a while ago - maybe not.
kittenauth is an excellent idea - yahoo should replace their CAPTCHA system with this immediately [via aaron]
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
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