omg. bacon cookies look awesome. thanks to fraser for finding that gem
omg. bacon cookies look awesome. thanks to fraser for finding that gem
pantone mugs are awesome but don't ship outside the uk :(
the XPCOM string guide means i don't have to keep asking richard whether i should be using an nsAString or nsACString. nice
command-shift-3 is pretty nice. kitten war for web design [via]
dunstan recommends this floor pump. hmm
dependency walker is a lovely little tool for checking dll/exe imports and exports. via rc
figure prints are out (and look awesome) but production is highly limited. bah!
i need a new snowboard. but my bindings wont fit it. new bindings too? hmm
omg. homemade bacon. omg
lot's of good potential christmas gifts here
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
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