slightly unsettling explanation of nokia vine. i think it's intonation of the voice over towards the end that makes it creepy
slightly unsettling explanation of nokia vine. i think it's intonation of the voice over towards the end that makes it creepy
wikipedia is too addictive. now i know all about ergospheres. better than blogospheres
a day of tweaks today - choose your own adventure had a little overhaul, removing around 5000 bad entries and improving various things to avoid it getting like that again. worth a little play
sharkify got a bit of an update after some prodding by mr schachter. positioning is now more even and clicking on sharks makes more sharks. magic!
aww, poor harrison
praxinoscopes are awesome. be sure to watch the 'making of' video, which explains it all
careful, some books can make you dumb
devertebrated is totally better than stewardesses
did somebody order a server? how did i miss this??
face mining in star trek is pretty cool. computers are pretty awesome, right?
keen to try out bunni, but still unsure how to complete fishing girl. does it involve the bird i caught? hmm
sometimes, ruby makes me sad
everything was better in the past. you know, apart from the fact it was shit. i want to poke out their stupid elitist eyes
i'm not convinced that meat cards are real, but i want them
omg i love japadog so hard
zipper earphones are a pretty neat idea. especially like the controls in the zip pull
is a pocket bacon app worth 2 dollars. err, probably
now these are some freaky shoes. do your toes go in the toes? hmm
web dev gang signs. so easy, so nerdy
a beautiful photo over on kottke. but when did he redesign? best design since the orange juice
"The challenge isn't creating the heat; it's engineering a bacon structure strong enough to withstand the stress of a 5,000°F bacon plasma flame."
it's old, but i've just been reminded of the awesome trailer for mercs 2 (which i never played). so good. more like that please
mittens + sharks = shark mittens = awesome
happy chairs are happy. chairs.
birdhouse is a little bit whatever but the intro video is pretty awesome. serious business
some wonderfully creative my little pony sculptures. love em
is it wrong to want a pencil sharpener that costs $455? of course not! lots of other good stuff at the same store
omg. charts rule so hard
while the last line sounds anti-css (sort of?), it turns out pie charts suck
audiotool is an amazing piece of work - reason redone in flash. very very slick. seems to be the work of andre michelle, whose demo work is also excellent
tonematrix is a really fun little toy for making music. best part: it always sounds good
crank 2 looks indescribably awesome. "he'll stop at nothing, get get his heart back". because they literally stole his fucking heart. retardedly awesome
an awesome visualization of ocean depths. there's scary stuff down there
macaroons are my kind of wedding cake
a nice little documentary about the tuesday noon siren in san francsico
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
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