jeff is alive! but cats are still a mystery
jeff is alive! but cats are still a mystery
i present a short lession in turning RFC BNF into perl regular expressions: Parsing Email Adresses in PHP
aaron noticed than OS 10.4 seems to have tagging built into the filesystem - well, name/value pairs anyway. interesting.
noooooo! damn your black heart tom cruise.
one of google's datacenters now has this nice mural in it - maybe the new flickr datacenter will have something similar (wall of photos, anyone?) [via mattj]
dinosaur comics has new tshirts. must... order...
ooh ooh ooh - there's going to be a sequel to katamari damacy, my favorite game i've never played. launch it on the psp already. or else i'm going to have to get a ps2.
this flash animation goes on forever (20 minutes and still going), but is a fantastic final fantasy 6 pastiche on the browser wars (featuring psp as the evil super villan). via p-a [update - 40 minutes!]
proof, if any were needed, that osx is only for geniuses: the [in]complete guide to osx shortcut keys [via coates]
lea points out that kevin smith now has a blog. does anyone not have one these days?
physical tetris - rich calls it "a futuristic connect 4". i kinda want it. or the tertis shelves from these guys [stupid flash, no direct links]. all via the lovely b4ta.
jeff's still dead, but is speaking with god. i feel this is going to end well.
science finally answers the question that's been weighing on all our mins for so long - does a duck's quack echo? [via b4ta]
the jeff's death thread on the loch ness monster adventure club message board is worth keeping an eye on.
jeff rowland is dead, after an epic gun battle with death himself. rip jeff, we will miss you.
on mcsweeny's by way of {void} - physical theories as women. i'm consistently impressed by mcsweeny's.
the new songdo city project looks really interesting - if you build a new city from scratch, can you improve on what we already have, or does it become a souless business park? [via jc]
o'reilly's new (i think?) radar weblog is a good one to watch
the perfect prescription talks about redesigning the pill bottle - good physical design stuff [via newstoday]
bruce's piece on hacking the papal election is an interesting read.
webvisions 2005 (july 15th, portland) looks like it might be worth a look. they might also be looking for another speaker or two if you have anything worth saying - this year's topic is 'convergence', roughly incorporating 'beyond the desktop'.
google maps now includes the uk. although the entry url is different, it's the same app. you can scroll left to find america. no satellite photos yet, beyond the whole country. hope they get those online soon.
angermann2 is my new favorite weblog. architecture, cartography and bold design.
outlook express has been forever broken for multipart/signed messages (the text portion is never inlined, so the message appears blank). is there a way to fix this?
sharp as toast has some rockin tshirts - still feeling the love from preshrunk
i've finally gotten around to cataloguing my tshirt collection - at least, the ones in vancouver
coates has a brand new shiney design. very minimalist
after much swearing, investigation and blind luck, i present Connecting your PSP (Playstation Portable) to a Netgear WGR614 Wireless Router
who wouldn't want to eat bukkake cookies?
ryan (of dinosaur comics fames) has written probably the best livejournal post ever. i kinda sorta want to give it a try
my cousin will be streaming a webcam of the london marathon when it passes his house. anyone know when it is?
of course, someone has already set up a public portal and dns server to help you avoid the hard part of setting it up.
instructions for setting up a web browser on your psp. good stuff.
george found this awesome app, which uses craigslist and google maps to produces an interactive map of apartments for rent. really fucking amazing. web services rule.
net disaster is something i thought about ages ago but couldn't figure out how to do. very nice :)
lea noticed the new prangstgrup musical - this time during a lecture. utter genius.
george found a crazy robot video with a talking, hearing, robot secretary head.
aaron points out syncOurTunes - an itunes plugin (win & mac) which syncs your music library between two machines. excellent, but it wouldn't start on windows - some german error message about demo versions.
excellent news - nick clark has started work on ponie again, and there's a detailed roadmap
this week i've been interested in paper sizes - here's a good paper size / trim guide. and here's a nice explanation of iso standard 216, the standard for metric paper sizes.
god is awesome! i've wanted the tshirt kitty farmer from donnie darko wears for ages, and now i've found it.
the new decemberists album is super super awesome. i've been playing it on loop for the past week and am still loving it. genius.
for (perhaps) future reference - an explanation of the analog computer readable output format.
moby on air travel, via {void}
i've found my favorite page on yahoo - last updated in 2002, times new roman, ugly as sin - and linked from 360. eek!
google maps was probably the best thing ever done on the internet - but now they've made it twice as good. fuuuuuck
this weblog will soon be running on immovable object. embrace the future and join today!
forget gaming - the psp is mainly a flickr appliance
i'm not sure whether i'm looking forward to the ppg anime that seems to be in the pipeline (pic1, pic2) (found by lealea at ). the characters seem a little over-characterised, but that much was inevitable. the result will be interesting, if not great.
i was looking for the lego version of 2001 from awhile back, but came across this version which is both a 2001 parody in lego, and a commentary on the evolution of lego itself.
the microsoft msi building faq seems pretty useful - i need to download the sdk and get to grips with it.
lance makes an interesting point about boingboing - rumor has it they're taking about half a million dollars in ad revenues per year.
gah - after only one episode aired, christopher eccleston has quit as the doctor. wtf?
this is bordering on the too weird - fake porn of british morning tv celebrities.
the chinese subtitles for a pirated version of 'closer' are awesome (srcoll down a bit). [via b3ta]
gmail goes to infinite storage. but once april 1st is over, they'll be back to 2GB.
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
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