Have i mentioned recently how much calvin & hobbes rock?
Matt cooks things
I've been working on some tiny fonts - you may want to use them for web things.
Today's movie quote challenge: "Initiative comes to thems that wait"
Have i mentioned recently how much calvin & hobbes rock?
Matt cooks things
I've been working on some tiny fonts - you may want to use them for web things.
Today's movie quote challenge: "Initiative comes to thems that wait"
Filler Bunny rocks. Anyone know of any othe filler bunny sites?
Drew is selling paintings for christmas. Click here to find out more.
Today's song lyrics quiz (alot easier than usual): "You're just like an angel. Your skin makes me cry" Just post the name of the artist and the track as a [comment](topic.php?id=983)
A lovely banner in london.
George talks about arse size: Upsideclown. I've been so long in posting this, that two more have come out. I recomend both. Alot.
Thanks to Jeremy, i am now a superhero
Attachments semi-spoof site seethru brings us the random url maker
I don't know why i have this blog bookmarked, but it has a cool domain. Who remembers the evil cat in earthworm jim? He lived on a planet called 'heck'
Read what laura has to say at the modern age
Tangmonkey pretends to be Natalie Imbruglia
You can download 3D tron for windows and linux. Very timewastingly good
Take the TCN quiz
If i was an affliction, i'd be ricketts
In a nice spin on e-corporate silliness, i'm 95% e-bore
Douglas Adams is to posthumously release episode 6 of the hitch hikers guide. But would he have wanted to?
Joel talks about multi-platform development
Jay has redesigned this man's life. It's stunning. And you can now look back through previous covers
I like holly at lost track
Today's movie quote challenge: "Don't tell me that. DON'T TELL ME THAT!" Just post the name of the movie as a [comment](topic.php?id=983)
Thinkblank presents:
The mirror have an article about weblogging, featuring three female uk webloggers. Read it here.
Prada are building a fantasic new store with clever slow-motion mirrors. [via heather]
This week's upsideclown is great. Go read it now.
Read an interview with my new favourite band, the strokes.
I finally got my drew goodies last night: a t-shirt and book. The book is illustrated by s.britt who is very cool. You need to read drew:
"if you are wondering what the paint thinner is for here is a hint: HOW DO YOU SAY "NEW PAINT JOB FOR A 1994 NISSAN MAXIMA" IN BULGARIAN!!! (here is a hint for the hint, the answer does not contain any vowels)"
From a silly circular email, a great answer phone message:
"You have reached the CPX-2000 Voice Blackmail System. Your voice patterns are now being digitally encoded and stored for later use. Once this is done, our computers will be able to use the sound of your voice for literally thousands of illegal and immoral purposes. There is no charge for this initial consultation. However our staff of professional extortionists will contact you in the near future to further explain the benefits of our service, and to arrange for your schedule of payment. Remember to speak clearly at the sound of the tone. Thank you."
If you can do better, post a comment.
In case you've not been following the [naked thread](http://www.iamcal.com/topic.php?id=104), taxxon has made us some fantastic iamcal.com wallpaper. Grab it here: [http://www.filter-line.net/other/cal_wall.jpg](http://www.filter-line.net/other/cal_wall.jpg)
I got a fairly stalker-ish email this week: hello u do not know who i am but i know u! i am the man with the overgrown hedge and garden fence. If you know who sent it, own up!
If you've been reading the excellent diesel sweeties then you'll know that there's been an indie rock pete spinoff. It's very good.
I got a fantastic email this week: Before I had ever heard of Splott, I was in Swansea, in a cafe, being served by a madwoman named Mrs Miggins. She dished the peas onto my plate one at a time... It was a dreadful lunch! Cold peas and stiff fish, from all that dithering about with the spoon... I was informed later in the evening that the exemplary Mrs M had been thus afflicted 'since her honeymoon in Splott', back in 1970. Of course, I asked, 'Where is this Splott? Why would a woman be mad thirty years after honeymooning there? Was it the place, or the events that took place? Or a combination thereof?' Who can say...
I've seen Splott only from the train, roaring in at a hedgehog's pace from England, and had a look at the map, as well. The place appears to be quite...er... grid-like! : ) iamcal.com salutes the mighty Sandra
And now more members sites for the people i forgot earlier this week: taxxon: [http://www.filter-line.net/](http://www.filter-line.net/) jay: [http://www.thismanslife.co.uk/](http://www.thismanslife.co.uk/) harold: [http://www.fudged.org/](http://www.fudged.org/)
ukblogger cutie jen-x is going round the world. You'll be able to follow her worldly travels at her new site, global jen.
Today's song lyrics challenge: I'm walking out that door, Well I've been in town for about fiteen whole minutes now And baby I feel so down, And I don't know why i've been walking for miles
A german girl has the world's longest tongue [via tom]
Today's movie quote challenge: Leg! Here? Leg! Here? Leg! Oh, leg...
It's the greatest thing to fall out of the sky. And fall it did, last night.
We had a proper snow storm. With wind and bad driving and everything. It's the coolest thing ever.
Seen the daddy or chips advert? Now you can vote: daddy or chips?
Check out neilsen's user friendly crackers.
A number of the iamcal.com regulars have their own sites, so i'd better link to them all: [Chris](http://www.iamchris.co.uk) [Gary](http://www.garyjb.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/) [Sul](http://www.sulsplace.com) [Suzie](http://www.kulsu.com) [Sal](http://www.justafish.com/) (Luke has a site too, but i can't remember the url...)
Today's song lyrics challenge: We were looking for ourselves and found each other
Happening fish is a nice little weblog.
An alternative to Slashcode and PHPNuke: Drop
80%: You're the best kind of weblogger. Way to go! Take the [blogaholic quiz](http://wannabegirl.org/quiz/blogaholic/)
Today's movie quote quiz: oooh. it went right through his eye
An interesting punishment? But what if they were into that sort of thing?
You can use this handy game to answer your questions. It tells me sal will be posting naked photos in the naked thread.
If you having been keeping up, we have a naked discussion in which people are invited to post semi naked photos of themselves. come and join us.
Drew is selling paintings. Some are utterly fantastic. I'm in the middle of an email conversation with him:
cal: your painting style is quite like sam's/ are you the same person? ps. i'd buy them all, especially 'trapped', but i'm poor after ordering an exploding dog book and shirt :(
drew: nope, here is a list of people who i am NOT: * sambrown * rstevens * narbotic * kompressor * el sucka * tristan farnon i get mail asking me those things pretty frequently, so no worries.
cal: i think maybe though your stories aren't entirely true. i'm guessing you're pretty intelligent, because your writing style is very clever. a new media professional perhaps?
drew: i'm guessing it's NUNYO BIDNESS
cal: hahaha. i guess so, but you've got to try and guess things about your heros, no?
drew: sure, if you like, it does not offend me. i just try to remind people that if i wanted to lose my job and have inter-net people coming to my house and calling me on the telephone that i would put my full name and social security number and the address and telephone number of the place i work on the inter-net :)
drew is fantastic, whoever he is :)
A fresh looking (new?) uk blog. Nice reading: simply stated
Went to a panel discussion at the University or North London. Tom tells more here.
Today's movie quote quiz: "and what's your boyfriend's name? chuck. i mean, sorry. i didn't understand the question"
Ex spaient and bbc news creative director matt jones, launches his new state of the art personal site.
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
aws books cheese code covid emoji fonts food games halflife havana ibm lego maps minecraft music php programming reading slack technology tube via-matts wiring
apple awesome bacon code coding comics design flickr food games javascript lego maps movie music perl php programming software tech tv video visualization web