this life is coming back for a one-off ten-years-on episode [via chubb]
this life is coming back for a one-off ten-years-on episode [via chubb]
Marc Orchant calls me a twenty-something first-time-out-of-the-gate stud because of the development model i described. i find it kind of amazing how much he misses the point. "come back and tell me how silly you feel spouting that nonsense in a few years kids". maybe that's not such a bad idea.
im in ur gutter. blockin ur drainage
someone seems angry at tim bray. ruby folks are funny
the xbox 360 laptop is utter genius [via chubb]
i want a lego rubber-band chain-gun. so cool [via chub]
erik benson has actually gone and changed his name - say hello to buster butterfield mcleod!
"i started a blog nobody read" is actually quite catchy [via coates]
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
books bools cheese code color covid doge food games halflife havana ibm language lego maps minecraft music php programming reading slack technology via-matts wiring
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