i've been going back and forth with dominic sayers for the last couple of weeks on RFC-based email validation. we both have php functions (mine, his) that pass a huge (and esoteric) test suite. who says RFCs are dull? (hint: they are)
i've been going back and forth with dominic sayers for the last couple of weeks on RFC-based email validation. we both have php functions (mine, his) that pass a huge (and esoteric) test suite. who says RFCs are dull? (hint: they are)
my version of the bacon explosion was a success. need more practice smoking things on my bbq
this lego stargate model is awesome. lights up, rotates and the symbols lock in. hot
warehouse looks pretty good, but it requires both ruby on rails (easy-ish to install) and the ruby-svn bindings (which are basically a bitch). why do the harder languages to get up and running on the web (ruby and python) require the bindings while the easier languages (php and perl) just shell out and so work easily? gah. currently using websvn in php which does a reasonable job and is trivial to set up.
a sequel to donnie darko? doesn't look great though
the history of the UK's 999 service is pretty interesting
amnesia looks like a nice simple monitoring tool for memcache. anyone using it? (we have all the same stats in ganglia, so it's not much use here)
nice photo journal of the making of japanese knives. anyone know of a US reseller?
doing things like installing yum on a fresh centos instance remind me how fucking backwards linux still is. of course, those instructions don't quite work - need to install the rpms in the right order, so i had to modify the bash script. die in a hole, linux
learning javascript oddities from wikipedia: using !! for normalization and the return from || and &&. nice
asylum was ace. and twin world. need. acorn. emulator
awww. keepon dancing to another spoon track
forget cornify - sharkify is where it's at
a bunch of class changes are upcoming in wow - including no ammo for hunters? huh?
bacon burger looks tasty. time to buy a grinder
there's a bacon explosion group on the flickr. wow. my friends made them before i did? dark times
is it april first already?
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
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