Anyone who was a kid in the UK in the late 80s/early 90s will remember the genius of Knightmare. There's a new episode up on youtube … it's terrible. Really does not stand the test of time.
Gizmodo has a little more detail.
Anyone who was a kid in the UK in the late 80s/early 90s will remember the genius of Knightmare. There's a new episode up on youtube … it's terrible. Really does not stand the test of time.
Gizmodo has a little more detail.
if you have a spare 3 hours, How TV Ruined Your Life is a good thing to watch.
excellent idea - a blog of things to watch on netflix streaming
this is a pretty plausible theory of lost. explains some confusing elements from the final season
my so called life, 15 years later. i am still in love with both of them [via cb]
as bjork has learned, never trust an icelandic poet
this norton ad is so dumb that it loops back around to genius
quite a good tv ad from the uk. clever
bugs is even worse than i remember. opens on a helicopter chase, in which one helicopter tries to 'lose' the other. err, you're in a helicopter. surprisingly, this fails. genius
looking for a torrent of bugs (at least season 1), but proving difficult. any ideas?
just finished watching dead set back to back. awesome, awesome stuff
heston blumenthal's new show sounds awesome [via tom]
a trio of three beautiful adverts: the original sony bravia ad with the bouncing balls, the tango parody of it and the bravia bunny ad. so beautiful
a buffy animated series could have been cool
and norah jones on sesame street
the internet once again combines two things i love - feist and sesame street
frisky dingo. we can't ever go back to arizona
the lost screenplays are pretty fucking awesome [via dunstan]
of io9's top 10 unsung sci-fi classics, i've only seen one. i suck
gah! stupid hammond. i think the timeloop theory might just be viable.
aha! the too-awful-it's-actually-good series i was thinking about the other day was killer net. yay for bad computer dramas
piracy is bad. don't copy that floppy. keep watching - it gets worse
ze made [i think] $2075 in one day through the new candy system. nice
the WoW south park episode [3 parts] is awesome
this life is coming back for a one-off ten-years-on episode [via chubb]
build your own version of the prisoner/portmerion with lego
ryan and eran did this great tv interview from last night's launch party. remember, users are losers.
it also links to geocomtex, a bizarre site linked to the media episode.
the new bbc badwolf site contains a summary of the bad wolf references so far.
gah - after only one episode aired, christopher eccleston has quit as the doctor. wtf?
this is bordering on the too weird - fake porn of british morning tv celebrities.
lea points out this awesome pocky ad and the translation of the bizarre frech. japanese television is scary-awesome.
coates is a mad unstoppable genius.someone needs to give him a bunch of money and a room without windows to make this stuff.
wired is talking about how the new dr who episode might been leaked on purpose. i don't buy it - the bbc aren't that smart.
sugarape is well mexico. only a single episode of nathan barley left. ack.
the first episode of the new doctor who is doing the rounds - it's excellent. eccleston is brilliant as the doctor, and the humor is spot-on.
jones thinks the battlestar gallactica remake was filmed / is being filmed in sunny vancouver. HOW COOL IS THAT?
after watching ghost in the shell 2, i found out about the tv series - standalone complex. and now i have it on dvd. could be some good watching ahead.
an earthworm jim database. awesome. it's like a webpage from the early 90s. doug tennaple is a genius.
was this episode of rainbow ever really broadcast? i can't believe they could have gotten away with it.
another good article from steve about the future of media/television and why it might just be awesome. yay for the internet, etc
seen the table tennis done with blackout costumes? this advert uses the same technique very well. linkage via lea.
why can't i find "the smell of reeve and mortimer" on torrent?
you can get a plush vince - rejoice!
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