Posts from August 2012

The World of Warcraft 5.0.4 patch has been out for 2 days, so it's about time I published a new addon. BuffGuide shows you your raid buff status (for the new 8 buff system), along with food and flask buffs, replacing the long-ago discontinued BuffEnough. Source is on GitHub.

I've also updated Precedence for 5.0.4, but only the Hunter module so far and it's not quite ready for a release.

Japan in 1.8 Million Bricks

This recreation of Japan in a mere 1,800,800 Lego bricks is pretty impressive. With 5000 builders, that's only 360 bricks each. With a relative scale, most of these buildings would be in space.

Reminds me (in scale, if nothing else) of the Lego house from the BBC's Toy Story series.

This is my cam is really nicely done; a profile of each camera you've used on Flickr. Chris has a little write up about how it came to be.

The Vault

If you were a fan of Cube (which you should be), then you should definitely check out The Vault.

It's a web series that started last year, but has just gotten a big influx of viewers. Watch all 7 episodes and then share your theories with me on twitter.

As a bonus, try solving the puzzle on their blog. Should take about 20 minutes (puzzle spoiler).

Patricio Palladino has done a really nice job with hieroglyphy, a library for turning any JavaScript code into strings of only ()[]{}!+. The explanation of his blog is a great read.

Björn Höhrmann's excellent compact UTF-8 decoder is one of those C masterpieces that makes you realize quite how powerful the language can be.

If you often find yourself using curl or even crafting HTTP requests by hand in telnet, httpie seems like some nice syntactic sugar. Easily make GETs and POSTs from the command line, with sensible syntax


This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.

I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.

» About Cal


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