Posts from July 2008

30th July, 2:10 pm

the girl effect has beautiful typography. oh, and also implies that men are what is wrong with the world. awesome!

29th July, 1:55 pm

aurora feint looks very interesting. installing now...

28th July, 9:46 pm

the chris and tara article from sfmag is worth a read

28th July, 5:15 pm

tuneup looks interesting, but not out of mac yet. and of course, all my music's on a mac

28th July, 4:13 pm

not sure how this never made it to the blog - salon on bacon via mr baio

28th July, 3:43 pm

tangram shelves look pretty cool - easy to make people out of them [via myles]

28th July, 3:14 pm

particularly applicable to the office this week - nerf gun modifications on instructables [via mroth]

28th July, 11:30 am

joshua weighs in on the xmpp/polling stuffs

28th July, 9:29 am

chay sent me this interesting paper on face replacement in photos. hmm

27th July, 2:11 pm

a 24,000 piece puzzle. do want

25th July, 7:55 pm

and even more. ok, i'll stop

25th July, 7:44 pm

more bash

25th July, 7:28 pm

bash is still really awesome

24th July, 3:22 pm

bush or batman. definitely worth watching

24th July, 12:51 am

a list of the top 100 irc networks

23rd July, 4:33 pm

a very elaborate bank robbery

23rd July, 3:50 pm

my god, how i love battenberg

23rd July, 12:32 pm

the transport for dojo is utter genius.

23rd July, 10:31 am

"it's just like the titanic, but it's full of bears"

23rd July, 9:58 am

"turning them into entitled twat-donkeys"

23rd July, 8:44 am

some js debugging tips from forever ago [via dunstan]

23rd July, 3:23 am

if fonts were people, courier new would be a jerk

21st July, 4:33 pm

are you pondering what i'm pondering, brain?

21st July, 4:28 pm

great video of the voice behind yakko singing the countries of the world

21st July, 3:13 pm

"just bruised my hands. luckily no lasting injuries"

21st July, 2:51 pm

feist's video for mushaboom is lovely. seem to be a lot of feist videos doing the rounds at the moment.

21st July, 2:47 pm

omfg. an awesome papercraft batmobile via mr burka

21st July, 2:11 pm

i wish jason would open source his twitter replacement. i hope it's using web standards

21st July, 10:31 am

ok, graffiti snails are pretty badass. i want some as pets

21st July, 7:43 am

bert and ernie rapping. thanks jeremy

20th July, 5:41 am

portal + rickroll + actual cake = genius. this was jess/relly/steph's birthday cake

19th July, 10:43 am

i didn't realize there'd be so much movement on rakudo. it's looking pretty snazzy

18th July, 4:02 pm gives my new neighborhood 95%. nice

18th July, 1:51 pm

cute tortoise alert!

18th July, 2:37 am

the halo 3 kid is terrifying. he's not only built all the weapons (nerdy), but learnt all the unnatural animations too [via pa]

18th July, 2:21 am

ok ok, watchmen does look reasonably badass

18th July, 12:13 am

pressflip is a better name than persai

17th July, 12:44 pm

reminded again of the plan for canada 2.0. it just makes sense

17th July, 10:53 am

oh em gee - it's a real dalek. it talked and flashed and stuff. apparently it can move, but they didn't have the controls

16th July, 10:38 am

and norah jones on sesame street

16th July, 10:35 am

the internet once again combines two things i love - feist and sesame street

15th July, 4:15 pm

forget the kitten burton boars from last season - burton playboy decks are the new hotness

15th July, 2:35 pm

web-based games with favicons as the play canvas? too cool

14th July, 2:35 pm

this might just be the best page on wikipedia

14th July, 1:11 pm

from mr baio: the studio version of bk baby

14th July, 11:36 am

california extreme1! looks pretty cool actually [via js]

13th July, 11:42 pm

last one, i promise. an ice ice baby cover. i saw him do this a while back and it was as awesome as it seems

13th July, 11:37 pm

more live kweller, from a record store in brisbane. pretty good quality recording

13th July, 11:31 pm

an awesome ben kweller recording from forever ago

10th July, 4:37 pm

hello hal, do you read me? makes a lot more sense if you're british

10th July, 4:36 pm

another typesetting video, form the iamcal forums. i love the way the space bands are used for justification. watch the whole thing - it's awesome

10th July, 2:03 pm

the buy'n'large site is great. check out the 'our company' - 'core values'. sounds way too familiar [via steph]

9th July, 11:34 pm

i know i shouldn't, but i love the design of the flume landing page sooooo much. i heart classic messina design

9th July, 5:01 pm

dstat is kinda cool. err, for a unix app. dork

9th July, 3:10 pm

hehehehehehehehe. i am ten years old

9th July, 12:56 pm

flickr users are a bunch of nerds

9th July, 12:47 pm

two muxtapes i've been listening to lately

9th July, 11:09 am

awesome marketing - now even i want to buy an epMotion

9th July, 9:51 am

50 megapixels is just getting silly - that's significantly more than leaf's biggest baby

9th July, 12:13 am

a plush merlok that talks? oh fuck yes [via wafer]

9th July, 12:12 am

a bunch of moderately famous (living) typograhpers show off their handwriting. much better than mine. probably comes with the territory [via mmalone]

8th July, 6:34 pm

woo - a firefox addon/css combo that shows favicons in the bookmark bar

8th July, 5:45 pm

ok, flash is getting pretty scary

8th July, 5:03 pm

song summoner looks kinda fun. hopefully available for iphone [via bogan, of course]

8th July, 5:00 pm

this movable type documentary video is kinda awesome. love the page cutting machine

8th July, 4:46 pm

is lively supposed to be google's habbo? it doesn't work for me. and it's ugly as hell

8th July, 3:25 pm

omg! more rapture-based notifications services pls! [via mr burka]

8th July, 2:28 pm

foxmarks seems to do exactly what i was looking for - silently sync bookmarks between the computers i use the most. awesome!

8th July, 2:15 pm

some countries have polymer bank notes. seems pretty cool. anyone handled them?

8th July, 9:07 am

bacon perfume? hardly the worst idea i've ever heard. [thanks alfie]

7th July, 2:00 pm

the oil crisis is getting serious. #22 is worrying. [via baio]

7th July, 12:59 pm

type camp? srsly?

7th July, 12:52 pm

pidgeons are serious business (read the top review)

3rd July, 11:04 am

mr kastner has passed me a silly chain thing, only not too silly since it's about programming. amy hoy did one too. but i don't have a long-form blog!

3rd July, 10:05 am

perl has a module for everything [via asc]

3rd July, 10:01 am

eek. california is on fire

2nd July, 5:09 pm

an odd feist video

2nd July, 4:08 pm

just got off the phone with virgin atlantic, who's hold music babble called me a 'jetrosexual'. many style points, until it told me to "go jetset, go" and lost all credibility.

2nd July, 1:57 pm

i feel this great pressure, crushing me. best scene from igby goes down, which i haven't watched in a while

2nd July, 12:56 pm

flagpole sitta on the uke? hell yes

2nd July, 12:29 pm

bedpost looks pretty cool, but the signup is broken

2nd July, 11:47 am

this little iphone charger is pretty cool. thinking about getting one

2nd July, 9:04 am

sexy little ben ward has written an article for digital-web. nice

1st July, 12:26 pm

icaltrain has iphone-specific caltrain timetables. badass! they look great, too. caltrain has some other mobile versions too

1st July, 11:57 am

ok, maybe i need on of these


This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.

I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.

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