halo 3 laser quest? that is seriously awesome [via jess i think]
halo 3 laser quest? that is seriously awesome [via jess i think]
maybe killing people in wow is a bad idea. silly americans
blik are making more awesome wall decals. i'm jusr running out of walls
joel's new cake song features some of my cake photos. oh, and it's awesome
topoware is nerd-awesome
i wish we had science fairs in the uk
this collection of old wow maps are great. especially liking the way it might all fit together in a few expansions' time
portal turret origami. anyone else tried making them? [via myles]
beautiful visualization of box-office revenues over time. in the style of those last.fm wave graphs from a while ago [via hammond]
as with all iphone hacking, mobile scrobbler took about an hour to install, but it's very very slick
the most insane part of this tshirt is that it has zooomr, but not the large photo sites...
sendamessage seems awesome - anyone tried it?
hello kitty contact lenses? yes!
creepiest soaps ever. not that there are many entries in that category
the steve sleeve looks like a nice alternative to the air mail (though neither are shipping yet)
on the performance of solid state disks. via kellan
ok, seriously, wtf microsoft?
iamcaltrain was in sfgate - thanks myles
after the death of my work laptop and facing a multi-day restore process, synctoy looks like a very nice personal backup tool. i'm using it to sync my root disk onto a usb drive, then sync that usb drive onto a second. if only id' done that a week ago...
on lowercase-ness. bah. i often take the time to re-edit and remove caps, while always capitalizing proper nouns. dork, i know
my milkshake bringeth all ye gentlefolk to the yard
the video seems to be down, but cameron linked a great lecture on how to lecture by patrick winston from MIT. lots of good tips in there
a boardgame that takes 16+ hours to play? that's AWESOME. i want world in flames so bad
the katamari site is as wonderful as the game - not sure why i'd never seen it before
got an apple tv? then visual hub is what you want for converting torrented programmes. fast and simple
can has screenshots on osx? loving how the new wireless keyboard says 'command' on the apple key, unlike the old wired one. and the macbook air does too. go apple
when did i can has become the trendy tinyurl?
stuff white people like. hmm
i meant to link to this forever ago - why we need standards in html email. good stuff
did i blog the unicode poster stuff already? i hope so
webb predicts the current future in the now past with the same old subroutine
walter rumsby is tracking mentions of twitter, flickr, iphones and lolcats in webstock talks - fascinating
lego mario is awesome [via shanan]
one of the giant l lenses is for a sale - a bargin at $99k
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
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