Posts from November 2002

21st November, 4:45 am

Today i got my limited edition drew album, "the floor is made of lava". It's very cool.

I don't think you can buy it any more, but you can download some of the songs from this page. I suggest you start with "perfect day", which is my favourite.

18th November, 12:59 am

The next generation of Yahoo IM pron spam is getting 'better' at tricking users. It first sends you a "hello" message, then waits for a reply before sending you pron urls. Very clever, if not completely immoral.

I bought the world's biggest bar of tobelerone. It's 4.5kg (10lbs). Now that's what i call a snack.

Learn to make cookies with my brother

Headline of the month: Why did you steal 40,000 hotel coat hangers, knowing that hotel coat hangers are designed to be useless outside hotel wardrobes?

I found a really handy guide to customising your bash prompt.

15th November, 4:10 am

New sites for your consumption:

Secret Santa : Hurry up and join :)

City Creator : Now with much more stuff (tm)

7th November, 9:59 am

This site sells some very nice (and very expensive) toys

I don't quite get photoblogs - not the site but the title. unless they are photos of websites, it should be photologs (no 'b')

Make a little lego you [vis james]

Buy japanese sweets. online and cheap [via Dr Love]

It's a world-o-pasta [via giles]

4th November, 9:45 am

I thought I was good with numbers until i tried to solve this simple puzzle

Gaming grows up. Sort of [via the shady b4ta cabal]

Here are some photos of the b3ta halloween party. (none of me)

Pick of the week from christian protestors

Wireless networking can kill! There are videos to prove it :)

4th November, 1:07 am

If you're forced to be a consumer, buy something worthwhile: threadless, unamerican and thinkgeek (redesigned)

Oh, isn't that like "pokémon?" Yeah, except abaout elevnty hundred billion times better. [](

For guy: Geek quotes is still here

A very interesting map of dialects in the US.

Why is it that really powerful servers always look much sexier than less powerful ones. maybe it's a geek thing.

1st November, 2:32 am

A special halloween how-to: building a pumpkin pc [via matt s]

I would have started with a much bigger pumpkin :)


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