i love that the revenge cd comes with ear plugs
i love that the revenge cd comes with ear plugs
the lego towers are beautiful - i'd love to work on something like that (bonus time-lapse vid here) [via the hamster]
almost certainly computer generated, but still [beautiful](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5XVeENmLMk ) [via coates]
remotely set the 'ready' message on networked HP printer using some perl. been playing with this in the office to nice effect
macdonalds as a pizza topping? wow. and what's with the gun? o_O
a page of a million "love will tear us apart" covers. found while looking for the josé gonzález one (which is quite good)
ok, i want a verdier. although the video looks a little odd as to how the top doesn't squash the cab when it folds down
dbslayer is really cool. very similar to some things we're working on at flickr, but more generally applicable. also avoids the need for managing to compile DBD::mysql, which is always nice.
just completed portal. the script towards the end is even better than at the start. just wish it were longer. portal 2 soon please
the portal gun in hl2? hell yes. looks like alot of fun
an excellent review of the orange box - portal is SO MUCH FUN
take care of your idols - beautiful/strange animation [via ze]
re-found for mr hammond - the fan-made intro to thomas the tank engine using the bertha theme
george lucas in love is kinda genius
a song about social networks? ze is hot
not only is there an unlocker for iphone 1.1.1, but it claims to unbrick 1.0 phones. nice [via strimble]
and who doesn't want one of the dogs?
ooh - sam brown has some gelaskins too
gelaskins have some really lovely artwork - kellan just got a couple of samples and they look great
transformers cosplay. optimus is awesome [via dunstan]
porting flickr over to sql on rails is going to take all day
the wow rep calculator is really nicely done - click on the faction sections for zone and instance rep info
i was fooled for a while - the Swansea North Residents Association site is genius
i don't know what it's all about, but tom's ffffound page is lovely
converttube seems really useful
the new sony bravia ad is awesome. better than the paint, maybe better than the balls [via ph]
no longer relevant, but bookmarked nonetheless - the online pirate translator [via strimble]
yahoo answers has fulfilled it's purpose
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
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