the peronalized version of the google homepage is really fucking ugly. got redirected there visiting the frontpage this morning. maybe there's some trial going on.
the peronalized version of the google homepage is really fucking ugly. got redirected there visiting the frontpage this morning. maybe there's some trial going on.
germans are awesome/insane
shdh5. see you there
salt pointed me to this excellent windows programming article which talks about the problems with visual studio and code generation. a long read, but worth it if you're interested in the history of vs, vb and resource scripts.
this might be the best page on wikipedia - a List of British English words not used in American English
john pointed out this water cooler raid explanation. very nice
flock is really doing the rounds at the moment. here's a nice bbc piece by paul mason.
anonymous is a nice (freeware) monospace courier replacement with good differentiating between 1, l and L.
an 'expose' for firefox tabs plugin (ff 1.5 only) is pretty cool (via aaron). just hit f8 once installed.
aaron dug up a link to sim-daltonism for osx. it's based on colorlab which i'd seen some time ago (years?) but is still fairly useful. i need to take the time to dig in the source and find out whether they're using a matrix, fixed data set or some formulae.
salty pointed me to this interesting article about the whole jack thompson / penny arcade dispute. makes for interesting reading.
is this thing edible? i'm not sure, but it's beautiful.
shaw island is really sharp lately (and that's the first post in a while that tagyu hasn't been able to make any suggestions for)
forget flock - get flocq
man, joyce sure hates templates. i suspect anyone how really wants to use xslt in a real application is fundamentally sadistic
salty pointed me to the library that underlies the flash nyc subway map. looks pretty cool. would be better if you could somehow pass mouse events through to the browser. can't you send data in that direction from flash?
rituals gets reviewed in wired, a few months after we stop going there. [via eleanor, messina, et al.]
aaron's interested in the oddest things.
jakob's hardly known for espousing sensible viewpoints, but his latest alert box is bordering on stupidity. some of the top 10 design mistakes for weblogs, he claims, are not publishing on a set schedule, writing about more than one topic, or having a blogspot/lj/typad/ blog without your own domain name. right, because having your own domain name somehow makes your blog better.
edmonton-based web superstar lealea has just launched her new company site. tres awesome
salty points out this lovely article interviewing some original japanese game creators. "q: how difficult was it to make the game back then? a: it was very a difficult process. the hardest part was the development of a microcomputer."
and i've also updated lib_filter to handle single quoted attributes.
i've coded an experimental version of an RFC 2822 address parser to update the RFC 822 version.
why isn't the y! cafe open for dinner on fridays? do they not expect people to work on fridays?
i've said it before, but osx has too many keyboard shortcuts
this nyc subway map is very very cool - google maps plus flash for some nice interactivity.
annopan is an annotation engine for cpan. part of me is thankful for the service, but i mostly wish search/rt/anno/testers/forum/backpan/ratings were a single product.
muni's next bus map is java but good. would be nice if someone pulled out the datastream it uses for general api usage.
get ahead of the curve with the 200gb ipod nano mod. thanks to matts
jasmeet points out a nice overheard piece on the subject of bees as pets.
simplebits, purveyors of fine iconery, have created a nice set of 70 2-color icons for the web. not free though
oooh. tagyu looks really nice - web services interface coming soon. i'd like to build this into my posting interface.
it's looks like there's an ajax-y version of subetha-edit - synchro edit is worth checking out.
as aaron points out, i'm "KILLING THE SEMANTIC WEB!!!"
lyric tracker have exposed what they call a soap interface (although it's 100% rest). pretty easy to use - time for a lyrictracker/ mash-up.
php annoyance of the day: "If you compare two numerical strings, they are compared as integers" ... even if we can't convert those strings to numerics without losing precision.
doing the rounds at the moment - the ad conceptor. should save some people some time and effort.
forget good shirts - how about the worst shirts ever?
i'm not sure where salty find this stuff, but prepare yourself for mac os classic on a psp. a 4 hour boot cycle. nice
forget web 2.0 - web 2.1 is where it's at
trippin tees has a lame name but some nice shirts
gobby is a free, cross platform subetha-edit-alike.
a good collection of treo tips, including the warm-reset without loading extensions to get around the reset loop.
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
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