get it while it's hot - the perl color ascii art library
get it while it's hot - the perl color ascii art library
omg. heathcote made crumpets. must try (recipe) you can't really buy them here, you see.
dathan found this awesome merloc flash rpg on newgrounds
a good high-level summary of my webapps tutorial from etech
james? updating? what is the world coming to?
PS3 release is delayed by 6 months. bah [via salti]
stamen's backchannel visualization is beautiful. reminiscent of my irc log cloud perl software which i appear to have lost.
fake gay news is utter, utter, genius [via danah]
this menu has been translated pretty badly
just seen the multitouch keynote demo - i want one
yahoo hub korea has the world's most beautiful tag cloud [via simonw]
spore looks utterly amazing
ensafend! enstrongend! i'm making words up! [via aaron]
this geo news visualization has some nice ideas [via matts]
where does aaron find this stuff? some interesting rice krispies recipes
simplehuman make beautiful dustbins (trash cans to your americans) and have just started doing colored ones
salti found these excellent old maps and drawings of san francsico (and other places)
an extensive directory of euphemisms via popbitch
a great review of the snakes/planes movie talks about the fountain which i had forgotten about. i can't wait
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
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