Posts from July 2005

27th July, 9:09 pm

aha - some instructions for upgrading the psp firmware.

27th July, 5:20 pm

new psp firmware is out (in japan only, but works on US PSPs). now includes a web browser. woo! [via rob]

27th July, 2:20 pm

side window looks very very cool. i wonder if you can chain together a string of pda's for a real eye-of-cy kinda thing.

27th July, 2:16 pm

aaron found the rather fantastic probably going to be the target of some future purchases.

22nd July, 2:04 pm

this musical flash toy [via b3ta] is great.

15th July, 1:30 pm

the taps with temperature sensor leds are such an excellent idea. it would (perhaps) stop me burning myself quite so often.

11th July, 5:25 pm

heather found these great shirts on flickr.

11th July, 4:09 pm

more psp goodness - vnc for the psp. seriously. that's just too cool.

7th July, 3:17 pm

aaron points out pspware - looks like it might be time to dust off the old ibook.

7th July, 2:29 am

woah. crazy shit going on in london. hope everyone i know is ok.

5th July, 7:14 pm

aparently i'm d keith robinson. i thought i'd seen the end of these things, but this one was fun.

2nd July, 12:40 pm

mike b pointed me to this bizarre article from IBM's daniel sabbah describes lamp as "going to have to grow up at some point". err, right. because lamp clearly doesn't scale. it's not like the biggest websites in the world use it. ryan tomayko's response is on the mark.


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