Posts from July 2001

31st July, 12:25 am

On ther day when AVERT decides that CodeRed is no longer a threat to users, the UK media goes wild, leading the top of every news bulletin with how it will destroy the world. Before believing it, please read the AVERT report.

On the other hand, the SirCam virus is getting out of control. It would benefit everyone to read about it as soon as possible. If someone has sent you an infected email (as detailed in the above AVERT report) then please send them this mail in response. Help do your bit to stop this crap.

30th July, 5:11 am


26th July, 12:43 pm

The iamcal software bugtracker is open. Go and tell me what can be added to noted :)

26th July, 2:11 am

I think i need to get this keyboard. Small, and very very sexy.

Sick of going on the tube? This may lighten your journey.

When did Angelfire start having cool 404 messages?

The best joke ever ?:

One day as Noah was sitting in his favourite chair, he heard God call down to him.

"Yes god" said Noah, "and how are you on this beautiful morning".

"Fine" booms God, "I was wondering if you fancy building another ark?"

Noah stands up in alarm, looking wildly around him until God reassures him "sit down Noah, there are no floods, I just want an ark".

Noah sits down in relief "ok, no problem, just like the last one then?"

"No" admits God "a bit different. I'd like this ark to have 20 decks, one on top of the other"

"20!" cries Noah "Well you'll certainly get plenty of pairs of animals in an ark that size."

"Ah, that's the other thing Noah, I don't want loads of different animals in there, just one sort in fact."

Noah looks expectantly at the sky above him.

"Well, whatever you want God, just name it"

"Fish." said God " Well to be more precise - Carp"

Noah got out of his chair, scratching his beard and shaking his head, "let me just make sure I have this right, you want an ark?"


"With twenty floors one on top of the other?"


"And you want me to fill it floor to ceiling, wall to wall with Carp?"

"Check" says God sounding pleased.

"But why?" asked Noah

And way up in heaven God shrugs his shoulders and says...

Ready (it's really very poor)

"I just fancied a multi-story carpark"

16th July, 8:17 am

Arrrghhhh! I've been so busy rushing around and making stuff (like noted beta 4, hint hint) that i've got loads to tell you. But i've left my palm at home, so you'll just have to wait. opps.

3rd July, 1:26 pm

There's a weblogs panel at the 2001 NetMedia conference in London, so which prolific uk blogger to they invite to sit on the panel? Err, Jason...

3rd July, 10:49 am

More flash games! Woooh! You can now play kick-ups. I am really crap at this. [via pea]

Check out the truth about purple ronnie. I like this a lot

Jen says i have to read this, but i haven't had a chance yet. Anyone fancy reading it and giving me a summary ;)

A profanity dictionary, pointed out to me by Scott Stephenson. Provides brief amusement at least.

Take a few hours and read all of this story: coca-karma. It is well worth the read. Read this story. Get the point? [via jen]

Jesus lives! And he likes porn! [via paul]

Read Freefall. I've read all 508 strips in the last few days. It's great. [via roadkill]

Go read valska, because it's all, like, pretty.

Lastly, you all have to go and visit andy palmer because he wants traffic. And he's having an argument on his blog. And it's funny in a childish way. appears to be having problems. They quietly stopped their affiliate program on Sunday. Could this mark their imminent departure?


This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.

I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.

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