a bacon lampshade would probably start to smell at some point (more excellent stuff on the tumblelog too) [via rr]
a bacon lampshade would probably start to smell at some point (more excellent stuff on the tumblelog too) [via rr]
the phone of truth is deceptive!
the sysinternals page at microsoft is full of useful utilities for various windows things
JkDefragGUI is a nice front-end to an awesome defragging app for windows. much much better than the built in defragger
"it smells like fat". mmm, bacon vodka sounds great [via dp]
diskview is a neat windows app that visualizes folder usage. helped me find the 8GB of useless test video files hanging around
myfirsttweet is kinda cool, but beware. it tweets you when you search for yourself. spamtastic
css tables are pretty awesome. i like the future
a gem from passive-aggressive notes
@kastner pointed me to this mp3 sample from the dynamics groups i linked to a couple of days ago. freaky
backslash as the namespace separator in php 5? that's actually retarded. err, hey guys, we use that one for escaping characters in strings. i understand the issue, but there are lots of other symbols. like a single colon. or anything really. gah!
i kinda want to buy this pack of 1000 dice from amazon. the review is priceless: "They roll really well and are guaranteed to produce a purely random roll every time.Good luck trying to get them to all roll a 6 at the same time though"
typeface.js is crazy awesome - convert a typeface to a series of JSON vectors, then render text using a canvas element for each word, with paths for the characters. evil but wonderful
fennec looks pretty cool. is there an emulator i can try it on?
i know it's only a tech demo, but the unfinished swan looks like a lot of fun
this is truly bizarre. they have other songs too
julia nunes' new album ("i wrote these") is super fucking awesome. buy it
"Looks good. We have taken a picture of everything"
domai.nr is awesome - great work!
family scrabble always turns out that way
registered to vote in california? then vote no on prop 8 to protect gay marriage
virtual bacon? not as good as physical bacon, for sure [via rr]
more on bacon watch: i wish i liked peanut butter. looks tasty
is bacon jumping the shark? maybe [via rr]
hi-res photos of bacon for desktop wallpaper [via rr]
am i flirting is a useful guide
lns is an awesome little script that avoids the need to remember the argument order to ln. i need this [via nk]
i'm pretty awesome
wristcutters looks pretty awesome [via db]
forget the new 5D - i'd prefer an S2
miracle berry tablets seem pretty awesome. i need to get some :)
bash is finally back online. also, i want that ta
printable lights seem pretty cool. want
you fell asleep watching a dvd. so familiar
tron versus unprotected memory. kinda awesome
the unicorns are awesome. like to "i was born a unicorn". now [via rr]
"People say Valleywag will stab you in the back. That's a lie. Valleywag will only stab you in the face."
today is the greatest day in the history of the internet
the us debt has surpassed the digits on the debt clock. good going america!
mr hicks is going to do design for opera. should be interesting
dead celebrities in type? that's kinda awesome [via lealea]
cat festival! oh wait, cat eating festival.
robots and monsters is a nice idea and they look pretty cute [via rr]
the moo mosaic frame is pretty awesome. looks great
transformers meets pork in logo goodness? is a match made in bacony heaven
my dino really rocks, he's totally tricera-tops! [via myles]
lego album covers are pretty awesome
how do you steal a large new video camera and nobody notices? that's talent. presumably he was working on screening checked luggage
these livingstones are pretty awesome - i'd especially lie the sofa-sized one. but i suspect they're extremely expensive.
i want a laptop with a popup mouse. how awesome!?!?
uncov is coming back
You are going to be working with an enzyme that bonds protein. You are made of protein.
omfg - tilt shifted video is so freaking awesome. tiny fake people! [via mr burka]
a hamburger with grilled cheese as the bread? i need this
an explanation of the lyrics behind brimful of asha. i'd always assumed it was random made up words. oops [via leah]
hug a developer today
a bacon bracelet? excellent attire [via ross]
ok, i'm totally in love with erin mckean. a great presenter on an interesting topic
"is your sissy gland making your eyeballs lactate?"
cuddle parties are the new black
the food pyramid has more sides
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
aws books cheese code covid emoji fonts food games halflife havana ibm lego maps minecraft music php programming reading slack technology tube via-matts wiring
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