9th June, 10:31 am Jun 9th

I urge you all to check out benbrown, a particularly cool weblog I came across. Unlike most 'traditional' weblogs, filled with real life truma and thoughts, hi is entirly fictional. I love it.

Is it me, or it the current deepend site just crap? They may well have won loads of stuff at the bd&ad awards, but their own site sucks. Bring back the old work of HTML art, I say.

This site (far superior to deepend. or something), now how lovely interactive polls. Nice. Please follow the polls link in the hope that we can solve that age old dilema - which fish are best?

Last link for today is loobylu, a rather groovy personal site, with some of the nicest cartoon-olgy i've seen on the web recently.

Sorry, no pictures again today, but I'm hoping to spend the day in London next friday with my man Chris when we go to see Counting Crows (for the third time this year). We'll be taking lots of pictures on our fun day out, so expect some to appear here in about a week's time.

I've started work on the computer game project that I devised with my cousin, Squirrell. Still very hush-hush, but it looks like we might eventually get something working.

Feel free to ignore the following rant: The Microsoft DirectX SDK is a 128MB download, require 204MB to unzip, but only installs 103MB of files. Whyw why why why why? Microsoft deserve to be split into pieces [ or at least the person who made the installer does :::) ].

Talk to you all later - bye!

This was posted on Friday 9th June, 2000 at 10:31 am Pacific.

Read more posts from June 2000.


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