Names are, for reasons that may never become apparent, today's theme. I got sent some run-of-the-mill links to name generators this morning. You too can find out your very own bond-girl name and glam name. I know you want to. Not sure if this is cool or not, but someone I don't really know, but often see has changed his name. Not just a little change, but a whole new name. He was called Oliver Ayre, but he's now Zander Holland. Ineteresting. He legally changed it via deedpoll. Stranger things have happened.
I got so bored of having to manually do lettering for the web that I built my own font. Pixel[6], as it is so cunningly named (go on, you can work it out), can be downloaded for free here. All I ask is that you email me to tell me if you use it.
One of my bestest friends, warren, has started his own weblog site. Check it out. That's enough for today, I'm going home.