Warrens blog is really interesting. I've learnt things I didn't know and I've known him well for some time. Great thing this web.
Major coffee incident: After the weekends appauling chocolate-in-vending-machine shortage, normality had returned. Or so we thought. A possibly facist regieme (probably led by rebecca) has employed a spoon segregation ruling for the internal coffee facilities. More news to come when we get a digital camera. And hopefully less non-sensical words, ho hum.
I was surprised to find that my GQ (geek quotient) is 128, putting me in the top 10% of geek world wide. As if i didn't know that! My geekcode, for those intrested in such things, is on the about me page.
Expect some groovy stuff to appear on the site and in my portfolio in the not-so-distant future. More on that soon.
One of my quotes made it onto grendel's site. My day's work is done.... :)