16th July, 7:23 am Jul 16th

How have I managed to go so long without posting anything? God knows. I finally got a better picture of Mark's cool perl plates.

There are quite a few sites of choice today, so please bear with me. First up comes my own latest project, Terrania. Well worth a look.

Everyone in my office (well, almost everyone) seems to have caught the blogging bug. Paul E has started blogging at another crappy dot com and is also posting stuff at the wildly amusing welly net. Matt has also started a blogger powered effort at his urbanbox site. Hopefully more to come on that.

Microsoft have an interesting page all about cars. Well, kind of anyway.

Last weekend I bought a really groovy camera which aided me to take photos on my trip to Alton Towers, best theme park in the world. Due to my lack of memory, those photos have not yet been scanned but you can expect to see them soon.

I have now found out what Sally looks like. Who said programmers had to be old?

On the subject of new sites (not that we were on that subject, but hey) I am working on a very cool collaboration with Peter Fielding (Darkgarden of Artbeast Fame). He has a very slick site here.

There's still loads left to talk about that I don't have time for today. There still hasn't been a continuence of my conversation with Warren, who refuses to read my previous posting. I still haven't documented my discussion on religion that I had with Amy Golder. Very interesting. I still havn't found pictures of Jelly Tots anywhere (very odd).

My life is half complete, I have decided. It is my aim to recieve email from Jason Kottke, Larry Wall, Meg Hourihan, Jefrrey Zeldman, Katie, Greg Knauss, <a href=""http://www.haughey.com">Matt Haughey and Ted O'Neill. I've recived mail from Jason, Katie, Greg and Matt, so it's only a matter of time :).

On the subject of Jason, it's pronounced cot-key. Great stuff.

This was posted on Sunday 16th July, 2000 at 7:23 am Pacific.

Read more posts from July 2000.


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