I've had a mixed week really. On tuesday night I went out with my girlfriend for our one year aniversary. That was nice. Waking up at 4am and being violently sick was not. Wednesday saw more illness and sickness, but by wednesday night I could walk again. On thursday I went to the dentist who decided to hurt me, then make me pay for the pleasure. On friday I went to have my injections for my holiday, had them, was sitting in the waiting room and promptly passed out. Guess I'm not that well after all. Haven't really eaten anything since tuesday, but I'm definately getting better.
I bought a Palm Vx on wednesday night. It's groovy. I have already started to write a game in Z-Code. Download this Palm interpreter to play it, or get this version for the windows interpreter.
For everyone who bothered to download the panoramic of my office, then here's a guide to my desk. For those that didn't, here's a picture of my desk anyway.
For fun and games try pootpoot with the rather amusing 'pootify'. Great stuff.
Today's quote comes once again from Paul Edmonds. He's just full of them:
I love everyone...but express it as global irritation for some reason
Still no water, by the way. Grrrr.