Wooooh! We got a new water machine at lunchtime and I can once again breath easy, assured that my daily drinking requirements will be met.
My friend Henry is updating his site. Go here once he's done it to see what he comes up with.
I'm thinking of doing a text only version of iamcal for lynx and so forth, modelled along the lines of kibo's text only page. Any thoughts? Everone's input is welcome.
Mat, (the evil destroyer of water machines) has started his g4cube site and i've added a forum. So come and chat with us.
Some bloke at nixter thinks this site has a good design. Let's all save up and buy him an eyetest.
The game I'm working on has been updated. (You can follow Saturdays's links for other versions). Your challenge (should you choose to accept it) is to get (not find, but get) the flipchart. Answers on a postcard to me.