Behold our beloved coffee machine, dispenser of fine ExpressChoc (Paul not included). The nice? people here at Saturn Facilities have decided to move it far away from our office to the other side of the garden. Very funny. Not.
Stupid news of the day is palm's plan to bring out a cool blue palm for the fall. The stupid thing is, they got claudia schiffer to endorse it and call it the Simply Schiffer. It will come bundled with software chosen by the airhead herself. As kibo has already pointed out: Why choose your own software when you can get a supermodel to choose for you. Indeed. Janice believe's it's a good idea because Simply rhymes with Schiffer. I disagree somewhat.
I think you should all sneak a peek at magnesium, a community unix shell account project thingy. I can't explain very well but read their manifesto to understand what they're trying to do.
Here we see blogging mastermind Paul working away at his new project, Blogism. More to come on that in the coming days, but it should prove to be quite cool.
Some people are starting to take an intrest in terrania. This is a good thing. Do any of you have any good suggestions for features etc. ? I'd love to hear your comments/thoughts, either via email or in my forums.