Today I'm going to be a link whore - I've collected lost of stuff that I've just got to share.
First up, I seemed to miss out on posting links to rubberburner and supergreg. Seems that the whole thing is part of a viral marketing campagin by Lee jeans (or, at least, by their ad agency Fallon). Well, it seems there was a third installment in this mahir inspired sequence. Not nearly as good as the first two, but amusing nether the less.
Groovy design sites today are kiiroi, greyscale, assembler and re-move. Great stuff.
Blog of the week is magnet box, a nice mix of typical blog type stuff. Nice. Loads of people have been talking about this dancing thing. Pretty cool, but not worth all the fuss imvho. You have permission to only be vaguely ammused by this imac inspired idea. Not nearly as good as the original.
Todays quote comes from paul e (again):
We don't want old people online - they'd hand around virtual post offcies smelling of virtual wee.
If you're interested (like I am) in leviatationm then go here or here. I found these sites whilst reading the faq for alt.sci.physics, a brilliant newsgroup (obviously not as good as ark, but what is?).
What was really bugging me on friday was the stupid unix acronym naming game that involvers reciprocating names, like PHP (PHP Hypertext processer), PINE (PINE Is Not Elm), GNU (GNU Not Unix) and WINE (Wine Is Not an Emulator). If you're going to try and be confusing then why not do something along the lines of this:
BML = BDBE Markup Language. BDBE = BML Database Engine.
Ha - that would confuse all those unix users to death.
My lovely girlfriend has started her own site which can be found here until the domain registration comes through.
Finally, you should all check out a little idea i had/borrowed. Speak to you later