Mobile phones - They're not just for rent boys and drug dealers any more.
This is still the best 0sil8 episode, and since Jason is stalking me, i thought i'd re-mention it.
My favourite online cartoon is now doing valentines e-cards. Send one now. Or maybe two.
I finally found Kibo's full usenet signature. It's a wonder to behold. And a beast to read.
I got nominated for an Anti-Bloggie (i know not which) but didn't win. Boooo. I'd love to know who nominated me and for which category.
How to properly constrcut a fort of snow: determine fort location and, if you have arms, then with a shovel, begin digging a pile.
(Mark is blogging again).
My webcam just fell to it's death. Still works though.
You can now browse my entire iamcal pictures folder. There is some odd stuff in there.
Today's pictures have no explanation - if you're interested as to what was going on with that wig, email julie and ask why she bought it in...